Browsing by Author "Orellana, Myriam"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Corrales Araya, Patricia (Universidad de Chile, 1994)
Orellana, Myriam; Avalos, Nicolas; Abarca, Montserrat; Valdés, Elena (1997)1. Microsomal cytochrome P-450 and peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation was studied in the kidney of rats 7 days after bile duct ligation (BDL) and a comparative study between kidney and liver was done. 2. Only in the liver ...
Orellana, Myriam; Avalos, Nicolas; Abarca, Montserrat; Valdés, Elena (1997)Microsomal cytochrome P450 and peroxisomal activity were studied in liver of rats 7 days after two-thirds hepatectomy or bile duct ligation (BDL). Both surgical models decreased the hepatic microsomal cytochrome P450 ...
Orellana, Myriam; Valdés, Elena; Del Villar, Eugenia (1997)Microsomal lauric acid hydroxylation and fatty acid peroxisomal β-oxidation were studied in hepatic subcellulant preparations from streptozotocin-induced diabetic and diabetic insulin-treated rats. The liver microsomes of ...
Modulation of cytochrome P450 activity in the kidney of rats following long-term red wine exposure Orellana, Myriam; Araya, Julia; Guajardo, Viviana; Rodrigo Salinas, Ramón (2002)Cytochrome P450 (CYP)-dependent oxidation of lauric acid, p-nitrophenol and ethanol by microsomal fractions of kidney were studied in control rats and in animals given either ethanol, red wine, or alcohol-free red wine for ...
Orellana, Myriam; Rodrigo Salinas, Ramón; Thielemann, Lilian; Jiménez, Paula; Valdés, Elena (1998)The effect of acetone consumption on some microsomal and peroxisomal activities was studied in rat kidney and these results were compared with data from former investigations in liver. Acetone increased the microsomal ...
Orellana, Myriam; Fuentes, Oscar; Rosenbluth, Helen; Lara, Mauricio; Valdés, Elena (1992)In this work the microsomal lauric acid ω-hydroxylation, fatty acid peroxisomal β-oxidation, and the levels of cytochrome P-450 IVAI were studied in liver tissue from starved rats. Starvation increased the peroxisomal ...
Orellana, Myriam; Valdés, Elena; Capdevila, Jorge; Gil, Lionel (1989)Cytochrome P450-dependent oxidation of arachidonic acid was studied in liver microsomes from normal fed, protein-energy malnourished, and refed rats. The overall rate of arachidonic acid oxidation was very similar in ...
Peroxisomal and microsomal fatty acid oxidation in liver of rats after chronic ethanol consumption Orellana, Myriam; Rodrigo Salinas, Ramón; Valdés, Elena (1998)1. Microsomal P450 and peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation activities were studied in liver of rats after long-term ethanol consumption. 2. Ethanol increased the microsomal lauric acid ω-hydroxylation and the aminopyrine ...
Rodrigo Salinas, Ramón; Rivera, Gonzalo; Orellana, Myriam; Araya, Julia; Bosco Becerra, Cleofina (2002)This study evaluated the antioxidant defense system of the rat kidney following chronic exposure to red wine rich in flavonols. Both ethanol and antioxidant non-alcoholic wine components, mainly polyphenols, could contribute ...
Alvarez Alvarez, Juan Carlos (1988)
Orellana, Myriam; Fuentes, Oscar; Valdés, Elena (1993)Microsomal lauric acid 12-hydroxy lauric acid (ω)-hydroxylation and fatty acid peroxisomal β-oxidation were studied in kidney tissue from starved rats. Starvation increased the microsomal ω-hydroxylation and peroxisomal ...