Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Rojas García, Pedro; Recabarren, M. P.; Palma, S.; Maliqueo Yevilao, Manuel; Carrasco, A.; Sir Petermann, Lidia; Recabarren, S. E. (Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, 2014)
      Antenatal exposure to testosterone (T) has a series of consequences on postnatal reproductive parameters in females of several animal species. In sheep born under this condition the ovaries are characterized by an increased ...
    • Sedano, M.; Palma, S.; González González, Larry Javier; Neira, O.; Abumohor, P.; Cerda, C.; Guzmán Guzmán, Iris P (1992)
      The high level of antibody anticardiolipins in pregnancy was related with fetal mortality abortion and low birth weight. The authors used prednisone and aspirin, with success in this patients.