Browsing by Author "Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés"
Now showing items 1-20 of 79
Russek, Lia A.; Mansilla, Carolina L.; Crespin, Silvio J.; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés; Grez Villarroel, Audrey (Springer, 2017)The replacement of native forests by Pinus radiata plantations modifies habitat availability and quality for wildlife, constituting a threat to species survival. However, the presence of understory in mature pine plantations ...
Palacios, Camila P.; Agüero, Belén; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés (2013)The need to carry out biological conservation outside protected areas requires avoiding, minimizing or mitigating impacts brought about by habitat transformation upon the biota. Usually, forest plantations hold fewer species ...
Puente Torres, Soledad; Barceló, Matías; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés (Pensoft Publishers, 2017)We report the presence of Alsodes vanzolinii (Donoso-Barros, 1974) in the Maule Region, Chile extending its known geographic distribution 160 km north of its type locality. The species was recorded in exotic young plantations ...
Bustamante,; Grez Villarroel, Audrey; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés; Vasquez,; Walkowiak, (1993)Frugivores affect Cryptocarya alba seeds both positively and negatively by the simple act of removing the pericarp of the fruits. Germination is both increased and advanced but simultaneously seed mortality by rodent ...
Vergara, Pablo M.; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés (2004)Depending on the mosaic of habitats that is created, forest fragmentation can reduce the abundance and diversity of forest birds. Temperate deciduous forests in South America are rapidly being replaced by pine plantations, ...
Puente Torres, Soledad; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés (Centro de Referencia em Informacao Ambiental, 2016)We report a new locality for Batrachyla taeniata, which fills a 290 km gap in its geographic distribution. The records add a new type of habitat for B. taeniata, which was recorded in commercial plantations of Pinus radiata.
Vargas, Julieta; Landaeta, Carlos A.; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés (2002)
Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997)The Chilean taxonomic community is reduced, with the largest fraction of taxonomists devoted to well known groups, such as vertebrates. Some invertebrates and plant taxa have no Chilean taxonomist working on them, all ...
Asmüssen, Marianne V.; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés (2007)
Muñoz Ahumada, Juan Luis (Universidad de Chile, 2005)En este trabajo estudiamos la distribución de carnívoros en cuatro tipos de hábitat dentro de plantaciones de pino, definidos de acuerdo a características estructurales e indicamos los atributos de la vegetación y del ...
Murúa, Maureen M.; Grez Villarroel, Audrey; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Facultad de Agronomia e Ingenieria Forestal, 2011)Habitat fragmentation can affect the morphological design of flying insects in different ways through changes in the costs and benefits of dispersal patterns. Larger wings should be favored if necessary resources are ...
Henríquez Leiva, Carolina Andrea (Universidad de Chile, 1996)
Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés (2011)Biodiversity conservation needs to be informed by science. On this regard, scientific efforts ought to be allocated to tackle research priorities; offer sound and explicit advice, and results ought to be translated into ...
Ceballos, Gerardo; Vale, Mariana M.; Bonacic, Cristian; Calvo Alvarado, Julio; List, Rurik; Bynum, Nora; MedellÍn, Rodrigo A.; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés; RodrÍguez, Jon Paul (Wiley, 2009)The Austral and Neotropical America (ANA) section of the Society for Conservation Biology includes a vast territory with some of the largest relatively pristine ecosystems in the world. With more than 573 million people, ...
Rodríguez, Jon; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés; Premoli, Andrea; Marini, Miguel (2005)
Pacheco, Luis F.; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994)The protected areas of Bolivia cover 10.2% of its territory, but only 60% of this surface is considered to be of conservation value. Protected areas are unevenly distributed over the eight phyto-geographic regions of ...
Ramírez, Patricia A.; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés (2011)Enhancing the structural complexity of commercial plantations could enrich the presence of mammals within them. We tested this hypothesis through a meta-analysis in order to determine whether more complex plantations, with ...
Ramírez Collio, Karla; Vergara, Pablo M.; Simonetti Zambelli, Javier Andrés (Elsevier, 2017)Sustainable forest management of commercial monoculture plantations may be difficult to achieve in plantations of Monterrey pine because these commercial monocultures are managed under a clear cutting system, where the ...
Peñaranda Prado, Diego Alejandro (Universidad de Chile, 2014)Las crecientes listas de especies amenazadas debido al impacto del hombre en los ecosistemas de todo el mundo, han alentado el desarrollo de análisis comparativos con el fin de dilucidar ¿porqué algunas especies son más ...
Vargas, Javier H. (Universidad de Chile, 2008)La cacería de subsistencia y comercial practicada por los habitantes de los bosques Neotropicales disminuye la abundancia de los grandes mamíferos, incluyendo los dasipróctidos. Los dasipróctidos son importantes dispersores ...