Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Rojas Alcayaga, Gonzalo; Uribe, Lorena; Barahona Salazar, María del Pilar; Lipari Valdés, María Alejandra; Molina, Yerko; Herrera R., Andrea; Ríos Erazo, Gonzalo Matías (2015)
      Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between early dental experiences and clinical indicators of oral health and dental anxiety upon admission to a comprehensive oral health program for ...
    • Herrera R., Andrea; Ríos Erazo, Matías; Manríquez Urbina, José Manuel; Rojas, Gonzalo (2014)
      Breaking bad news is a complex task that requires multiple communication skills from health professionals. Clinical practice demands to communicate all type of bad news, from a diagnosis of cancer to adverse effects of ...
    • Herrera R., Andrea; Repetto, Paula B. (2014)
      Background: Traffic accidents are the second leading cause of death among adolescents and young adults in Chile. However, few studies have examined this behavior among this age group. Parental practices have a great ...
    • Hidalgo Leiva, Andrés; Seminario Castillo, Nelly (Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      En las últimas décadas Chile ha sufrido un aumento sustancial de inmigrantes provenientes de la región Latinoamericana; siendo Perú uno de los países más representativos con una inmigración compuesta mayoritariamente ...