Now showing items 60-79 of 98

    • Correa Haeussler, Jośe; Foncea, Patricio; Hoeksma, Ruben; Oosterwijk, Tim; Vredeveld, Tjark (Association for Computing Machinery, 2017)
      Posted price mechanisms constitute a widely used way of selling items to strategic consumers. Although subop-timal, the a ractiveness of these mechanisms comes from their simplicity and easy implementation. In this pa-per, ...
    • Monares Ruiz, Andrés (Editorial Ayún, 2008)
    • Monares Ruiz, Andrés (Editorial Ayún, 2009)
    • Jara Díaz, Sergio Rodolfo; Gschwender Krause, Antonio Enrique; Hörcher, Daniel (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023)
      This chapter builds on the welfare economic theory of transport pricing and its application to public transport supply. In this approach, optimal fares are set to reflect the marginal welfare effect of travelling. The ...
    • Monares Ruiz, Andrés (Editorial Ayún, 2008)
    • Sanzana, Pedro; Villaroel, Sergio; Braud, Isabelle; Hitschfeld, Nancy; Gironas, Jorge; Branger, Flora; Rodríguez, Fabrice; Vargas Mesa, Ximena; Gómez, Tomás (Wiley, 2018)
      This chapter presents a module implemented in QGIS, belonging to the GEO-PUMMA toolbox. This plugin allows a triangulation of surface elements with a vectorial format, and thus the segmentation of a mesh composed of ...
    • Barra Pantoja, Fernando; Reich Morales, Martín; Otero Cavada, Sofía (Núcleo Milenio Trazadores de MetalesIniciativa Científica Milenio, 2021)
    • Iturra Bocaz, Gabriel; Bravo Márquez, Felipe (Association for Computing Machinery, 2023)
      Word embeddings have become essential components in various information retrieval and natural language processing tasks, such as ranking, document classification, and question answering. However, despite their widespread ...
    • Vargas Mesa, Ximena; Muñoz Castro, Eduardo (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas. Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, 2021)
      La publicación pretende rendir, a través de la ciencia y el conocimiento, un homenaje a Ernesto Brown Fernández (1944-2020), Ingeniero Civil de la Universidad de Chile.
    • Toledo, Felipe; Rodriguez, Rafael; Rondanelli, Roberto; Aguirre, Roberto; Diaz, Marcos (IEEE, 2017)
      The ongoing implementation of a fog observatory in a coastal fog forest in northern Chile is expected to provide valuable information to improve our comprehension of these ecosystems alongside retrieving valuable data to ...
    • Mac-Lean Bravo, Claudia Alejandra; Cerda Ampuero, Macarena (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, 2017)
    • Barros Vera, Oscar (Business Expert Press, 2017)
      This work presents an innovative approach to business design, known as Business Engineering, and its application to service offerings design in general and health services in particular. Such an approach is characterized ...
    • Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, 2022-04)
      En esta edición de Un siglo de historia en Beauchef, que ocurre a 100 años de la inauguración del Edificio Escuela, en tiempos de cambios profundos y acelerados en el orden social, mientras se escribe una nueva constitución ...
    • Allard, Denis; Emery, Xavier Mathieu; Lacaux, Céline; Lantuéjoul, Christian (Springer, 2023)
      The nonseparable Gneiting covariance has become a standard to model spatio-temporal random fields. Its definition relies on a completely monotone function associated with the spatial structure and a conditionally negative ...
    • Wigodski Sirebrenik, Teodoro (JC Sáez Editor, 2015)
      ¿Por qué los seres humanos manifiestan conductas "no éticas"? Esta interrogante fue el punto de partida del libro del académico del Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, ...
    • Hamuy Wackenhut, Mario (Editorial Debate, 2019)
      Que catorce han sido los eclipses solares totales que los habitantes de nuestro país han podido presenciar en diferentes puntos del territorio desde la Independencia, y seis serán los que se podrán ver en lo que queda del ...
    • Maza Sancho, José (Planeta, 2017)
    • Alegría, Alfredo; Emery, Xavier Mathieu; Freulon, Xavier; Lantuéjoul, Christian; Porcu, Emilio; Renard, Didier (Springer, 2023)
      Isotropic Gaussian random fields on the sphere are used in astronomy, geophysics, oceanography, climatology and remote sensing applications. However, to date, there is a lack of simulation algorithms that reproduce the ...
    • Silva, Leonardo Humberto; Valente, Marco Tulio; Bergel, Alexandre (IEEE, 2017)
      Identifying dependencies between classes is an essen-tial activity when maintaining and evolving software applications.It is also known that JavaScript developers often use classes tostructure their projects. This happens ...