Browsing by Issue Date Libros y capítulos de libros
Now showing items 1-20 of 98
(Ediciones de la Universidad de Chile, 1956)
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, 1985)
(Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1988)
(Emerald, 1998)
(Elsevier, 1998)From a microeconomic viewpoint, the so-called modal utility in discrete choice models is a conditional indirect utility function, which represents the maximum level of satisfaction that can be reached at given prices and ...
(Elsevier, 2001)Microeconomic framework has become a very rich and useful approach to understanding and modelling of travel behavior. This paper covers the topic in the following manner: 1) the basic notion of microscopic perspective is ...
(Pergamon Press, 2002)
(Elsevier, 2002)This book chapter presents the properties of the conditional indirect utility function corresponding to an expanded version of the goods/leisure trade-off model, which includes work and travel time as direct sources of ...
(Springer-Verlag, 2004)In most countries in the world, practically all imports and exports are done by sea. Maritime transport requires port facilities to facilitate the interchange with land transport or interior navigation. Thus, efficient ...
(J.C. Sáez Editor, 2004)
(Emerald, 2005)
(Elsevier, 2007)The study of transport is the study of movements, of displacements of individuals and things in both space and time. The objective of this book is to provide the basic concepts and tools for the economic analysis of transport ...
(Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007)Compressed text (self-)indexes have matured up to a point where they can replace a text by a data structure that requires less space and, in addition to giving access to arbitrary text passages, support indexed text ...
(Springer, 2007)A compressed full-text self-index for a text T is a data structure requiring reduced space and able of searching for patterns P in T. Furthermore, the structure can reproduce any substring of T, thus it actually replaces ...
(2007)We propose a parallel MPI search engine that is capable of automatically switching between asynchronous message passing and bulk-synchronous message passing modes of operation. When the ob- served query traffic is small ...
(Ediciones B, 2008)El siglo XX trajo enormes adelantos gracias a la investigación científica y sus aplicaciones tecnológicas. La ciencia ejercerá también un papel clave en el desarrollo de los países en el siglo XXI. Chile tiene una posición ...
(Centro de Investigación de la Web, Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de Chile, 2008)
(2008)The development of face recognition methods for unconstrained environments is a challenging problem. The aim of this work is to carry out a comparative study of existing face recognition methods that are suitable to ...