Now showing items 1542-1561 of 1626

    • Acuña Aguirre, Eduardo; Pérez, Ernesto (2005-07)
      El Departamento de Estudios de la Dirección del Trabajo presenta el Cuaderno de Investigación Nº 23 "Trayectorias laborales: El tránsito entre el trabajo asalariado y el empleo independiente". En la parte I de este ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Gallego, Francisco A. (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2002-12)
      This paper compares the results of applying several detrending methods to the Chilean monthly economic activity index (IMACEC) using real-time data sets. We show that data revisions are extremely important and that they ...
    • Núñez Errázuriz, Javier; Pérez Núñez, Graciela (Elsevier, 2015)
      This paper studies the trends in height-by-age across socioeconomic groups of Chilean boys aged 5–18 born between 1880 and 1997, by performing a meta-analysis of 38 studies reporting height-by-age published since 1898. ...
    • Faúndez Ugalde, Antonio; Vidal Olivares, Álvaro; Olguín Romero, Alexander Nicolás; Molina Marisio, Felipe (Univ. Chile, Fac. Derecho, 2021)
      The purpose of this paper is to analyze the different proposals that have formulated by the OECD and the G-20 with the goal to establish a common fiscal criterion in the digital economy since 1997, at the Finnish Conference, ...
    • Yáñez Henríquez, José (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Econmía y Negocios, Depto. Control de Gestión y Sistemas de Información, 2015)
      Para juzgar una política económica (sus efectos o consecuencias) es necesario realizar un análisis positivo (la economía nos da herramientas para llevar a cabo este análisis), pero además se requiere demostrar que las ...
    • Budnevich, Carlos; Le Fort, Guillermo; Riveros Cornejo, Luis (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1986-04)
      La investigación sobre el comportamiento del empleo a nivel agregado se ha visto significativamente disminuida por la carencia de información adecuada. En efecto, los estudios econométricos a nivel nacional son limitados ...
    • Le Fort, Guillermo (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1986-04)
      Una de las limitaciones en el uso de modelos y técnicas econométricas para el estudio de la realidad económica chilena es la carencia de series estadísticas lo suficientemente extensas. La disponibilidad de series con una ...
    • Haindl Rondanelli, Erik (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1986)
      En este artículo se desarrolla un nuevo método estadístico de trimestralización de series, basado en el enfoque de Chow y Lin. El método propuesto soluciona en forma importante el problema de saltos y discontinuidades que ...
    • Barra Villalón, Cristóbal; Pressgrove, Geah; Torres Moraga, Eduardo (Taylor & Francis, 2018)
      This cross-national study empirically tests a model that explains the ways in which trust and commitment lead to loyalty in the organization-donor relationship. This research fills a gap in the literature by contrasting ...
    • Kunze Neubauer, Verónica (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2016)
    • Merigó Lindahl, José; Cobo, Manuel J.; Laengle Scarlazetta, Sigifredo; Rivas, Daniela; Herrera Viedma, Enrique (Springer, 2019)
      The journal Soft Computing was launched in 1997, and it is dedicated to promote advancements in soft computing theories, which includes fuzzy sets theory, neural networks, evolutionary computation, probabilistic reasoning ...
    • Gaviria Marín, Magaly; Merigó Lindahl, José; Popa, Simona (Emerald Group Publishing, 2018)
      Purpose – In 2017, the Journal of Knowledge Management (JKM) celebrates its 20th anniversary. This study aims to show an updated analysis of their publications to provide a general overview of the journal, focusing on a ...
    • Laengle Scarlazetta, Sigifredo; Modak, Nikunja Mohan; Merigó Lindahl, José; Zurita Alarcón, Gustavo (Springer, 2018)
      Twenty-five years ago, in 1992, a journal named Group Decision and Negotiation was established in association with the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences with the vision of promoting theoretical ...
    • Baloian, N; Pino, JA; Zurita, G; Lobos-Ossandon, V; Maurer, H (IICM, 2021)
    • Romeo, Marina; Yepes Baldo, Montserrat; Boria Reverter, Sefa; Merigó Lindahl, José (Elsevier, 2017)
      The research aims to analyze the scientific productivity in the field of work/ organizational psychology (WOP) in the last 25 years. We focus our analysis on the most influential journals and articles, generally and for ...
    • La Paz, Ariel; Merigó Lindahl, José; Powell, Philip; Ramaprasad, Arkalgud; Syn, Thant (Blackwell, 2020)
      The Information Systems Journal (ISJ) published its first issue in 1991, and in 2015, the journal celebrated its 25th anniversary. This study presents an overview of the leading research trends in the papers that the journal ...
    • Zhu, Cheng; Mesiar, Radko; Yager, Ronald R.; Merigó Lindahl, José; Qin, Jindong; Feng, Xiangqian; Jin, Lesheng (IOS Press, 2019)
      In this work, we propose some two-layer preference models that can be appropriately applied in management problems such as the group decision making about predicting the future market share of certain product. By introducing ...
    • Miranda, Jaime; Rey Sosa, Pablo; Robles, José M. (Elsevier, 2012)
      A key process for post-secondary educational institutions is the definition of course timetables and classroom assignments. Manual scheduling methods require enormous amounts of time and resources to deliver results of ...
    • Laengle Scarlazetta, Sigifredo; Loyola Fuentes, Gino (Academic Economic Studies, 2015)
      This paper examines the equilibrium properties of an ultimatum game model with externalities. Unlike the equilibrium of the traditional version of this game and even recent extensions of it in a similar direction as ours, ...
    • Graziani, Carlo; Almansa, Andrés (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1997-06)
      Se presenta un algoritmo para simular numéricamente modelos lineales formulados en tiempo continuo bajo previsión perfecta. Partiendo de los trabajos de Austin y Buiter (1984), se caracteriza primero la familia de modelos ...