Now showing items 214-233 of 1626

    • Le Fort Varela, Guillermo (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2017)
      La Ley de Presupuesto ha vuelto a poner sobre la mesa las restricciones fiscales que el país enfrenta. A pesar de que el incremento del gasto considerado para 2018 de 3,9% excede lo que se considera plenamente compatible ...
    • Contreras Guajardo, Dante; Larrañaga Jiménez, Osvaldo; Puentes Encina, Esteban; Rau Binder, Tomás (Naciones Unidas, 2012)
      En este trabajo se mide la evolución de la desigualdad de oportunidades en Chile, evaluándose el grado de desigualdad de la distribución de los resultados socioeconómicos sobre la base de circunstancias exógenas. Se ...
    • De Gregorio, José (2009)
    • Pizarro Hofer, Roberto (Fondo Cultura Económica, 2020)
      Las movilizaciones ciudadanas en Chile no sólo han abierto la oportunidad para desafiar las desigualdades y los abusos, sino también abren camino para impulsar un nuevo modelo económico. Por ello, las demandas del estallido ...
    • López Vega, Ramón; Miller, Sebastian J. (Elsevier, 2008)
      Chile has been cited as a successful case of development. Relatively fast economic growth over almost two decades has been accompanied by a significant reduction in absolute poverty. However, persistent economic growth and ...
    • Fuentes, Fernando; Serra Banfi, Pablo (MDPI, 2022)
      From the 1980s onwards, many jurisdictions reformed their electricity sectors to create energy markets. To this end, they unbundled transmission from generation, raising the issue of whether and how to regulate transmission. ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Fuentes, J. Rodrigo (ELSEVIER, 2006-03)
      This paper provides a framework for analyzing the growth dynamics of Chile. Using univariate time series representations, we find that the Chilean data is more consistent with exogenous rather than endogenous growth models. ...
    • Salas Landeau, Sergio; Contreras Guajardo, Dante (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2003-06)
      In this paper, we use the econometric frontier approach to estimate efficiency measures of the transformation of human capital into earned income in the Chilean labor market for the period 1957-1998. We find that the ...
    • Jara, Mauricio; López-Iturriaga, Félix; San Martín, Pablo; Saona, Paolo; Tenderini, Giannina (Elsevier, 2019)
      In this paper we analyse the relationship between the investment of Pension Fund Managers (AFPs) and the cost of corporate debt (public and private). Using a sample of 93 non-financial Chilean listed firms between 2009 and ...
    • Serra Banfi, Pablo (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1995-12)
      This paper analyzes Chilean research and development (R&D) policy. To do so, it describes the institutions responsible for policy design and implementation as well as those which conduct R&D. In addition, it addresses the ...
    • Bravo Urrutia, David; Contreras Guajardo, Dante (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2001)
    • Hofman, André A. (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1993)
      This article aims to assess Chile’s economic performance in the 20th century in a comparative perspective. The casual analysis of economic performance is conducted at two levels, “ultimate” and “proximate”. Ultimate causes ...
    • Serra Banfi, Pablo José (Elsevier, 2022)
      It has been almost 40 years since Chile reformed its electricity sector. In 1982, the Electricity Act created an energy market for generators and large customers to negotiate supply contracts. It also established a centralized ...
    • Álvarez Espinoza, Roberto; Claro, Sebastián (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2006-12)
      China's import penetration in Chilean markets is higher in unskilled-labor intensive sectors as predicted by traditional endowment-based theories of comparative advantage. However, there is also evidence of within-indu ...
    • Álvarez Espinoza, Roberto; Claro, Sebastián (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2006-12)
      China’s import penetration in Chilean markets is higher in unskilled-labor intensive sectors as predicted by traditional endowment-based theories of comparative advantage. However, there is also evidence of within-indu ...
    • Coronado Martínez, Freddy; Cancino del Castillo, Christian (Emerald, 2016)
      Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explain how two task characteristics and two individual differences influence which heuristics individuals use, and as a results explain their decision performance when choosing ...
    • Alfaro García, Víctor; Merigó Lindahl, José María; Pedrycz, Witold; Gómez Monge, Rodrigo (Springer, 2020)
      Publications on fuzzy set theory and its applications have grown exponentially. The increasing rate of developments in the field is a response to diverse factors, including the need for robust mathematical approaches ...
    • Duch, Raymond; Roope, Laurence S. J.; Violato, Mara; Fuentes Becerra, Matías Alejandro; Robinson, Thomas S.; Bonnefon, Jean-Francois; Friedman, Jorge; Loewen, Peter John; Mamidi, Pavan; Melegaro, Alessia; Blanco, Mariana; Vargas, Juan; Seither, Julia; Candio, Paolo; Cruz, Ana Gibertoni; Hua, Xinyang; Barnett, Adrian; Clarke, Philip M. (Natl. Acad. Sciences, 2021)
      How does the public want a COVID-19 vaccine to be allocated? We conducted a conjoint experiment asking 15,536 adults in 13 countries to evaluate 248,576 profiles of potential vaccine recipients who varied randomly on five ...
    • (2006-01-15)
      La Facultad será la responsable de la organización de CLADEA, la asamblea mundial más importante de Escuelas de Administración Latinoamericanas que recibirá especialistas de la región, de Estados Unidos y Europa.
    • Núñez Errázuriz, Javier; Gutiérrez, Roberto (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2004-12)
      This paper studies class discrimination and meritocracy in the Chilean labor market. Employing a dataset rich in productivity and class measures, we find that upper-class professionals earn approximately 50 per cent more ...