Now showing items 321-340 of 1626

    • López Vega, Ramón; Panagariya, Arvind (Elsevier, 1991)
      This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of temporary import and export quotas in a two-period optimization model imposing much weaker restrictions on preferences and production technologies than in the existing ...
    • Serra Banfi, Pablo (Wiley-Blackwell, 1991)
      We consider a two-factor (capital and labour), two-good (consumption and invest- ment goods), one-country, overlapping-generations model. For the case in which the closed economy follows an efficient path we prove that ...
    • López Vega, Ramón; Panagariya, Arvind (American Economic Association, 1992)
    • Chambers, Robert G.; López Vega, Ramón (Elsevier, 1993)
      The social rate of return to public investment in industries with fixed real-price supports is studied using a simple general-equilibrium model. Fixed real-price supports are shown to enhance the likelihood of immiserizing ...
    • Moran, Cristian; Serra Banfi, Pablo (Elsevier, 1993)
      The present paper evaluates the effects of alternative trade policy reforms to the Central American Common External Tariff (CET) schedule on the Guatemalan economy. To accomplish this, the paper develops a multiperiod ...
    • López Vega, Ramón (Elsevier, 1994)
      Economic growth and trade liberalization decrease the degradation of natural resources if and only if producers internalize their stock feedback effects on production. For environmental factors without stock effects on ...
    • Bitrán, Eduardo; Serra Banfi, Pablo (Elsevier, 1994)
      Between 1985 and 1989, the military government (1973-1990) carried out its third round of privatizations, focused on the so-called traditional public enterprises (PEs), i.e., enterprises created by the State itself and ...
    • Agosín Trumper, Manuel; Ffrench-Davis Muñoz, Ricardo (Cambridge University Press, 1995)
      In recent years, many Latin American countries (LACs) have embarked upon trade liberalization drives. This article reviews the radical changes in trade policy which this has entailed, together with the current and foreseeable ...
    • Caballero, Ricardo J.; Engel Goetz, Eduardo; Haltiwanger, John (Brookings Press (USA), 1995)
      THE EMPIRICAL INVESTMENT literature is full of disappointments. From time to time waves of new ideas challenge the aggregate investment equation, but these challenges are rarely successful, and progress is, at best, ...
    • Basch, Michael; Paredes Molina, Ricardo (Elsevier, 1996)
      In this paper we use a switching regression method to test the hypothesis that segmentation in the Chilean labor market exists. The results support the labor segmentation hypothesis and consequently they contradict those ...
    • Chambers, Robert G.; López Vega, Ramón (Elsevier, 1993)
      This paper compares the welfare effects of ad valorem and fixed-price distortions for an open economy. In the case of export protection, domestic factor growth is much more likely to be immiserizing when fixed-price ...
    • Gardner, Bruce L.; López Vega, Ramón (Oxford University Press, 1996)
      Interest-rate subsidies have been used to stimulate commodity stockholding, with the intention of stabilizing prices. However, reductions in price variability can be achieved at less government cost using a direct storage ...
    • Fischer Barkan, Ronald; Serra Banfi, Pablo (Oxford University Press, 1996)
      This paper explains why developed countries impose more trade barriers on middle-income countries than on either poor or other developed countries. We use a median voter model of the choice between trade and autarky ...
    • Fischer Barkan, Ronald; Serra Banfi, Pablo (Wiley, 1996)
      We study how trade changes the rate of income convergence within and between countries in a model of endogenous growth. An externality in the production of human capital implies that inequality slows down growth under ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (De Gruyter, 1997)
      Gallant and Tauchen (1996) describe an estimation technique, known as Efficient Method of Moments (EMM), that uses numerical methods to estimate parameters of a structural model. The technique uses as matching conditions ...
    • Engel Goetz, Eduardo; Fischer Barkan, Ronald; Galetovic Potsch, Alexander (American Economic Association, 1997)
      We build a conceptual framework to analyze the virtues and limitations of alternative mechanisms that can be used to auction a highway. We argue that current mechanisms, which fix the term of the franchise, create unnecesary ...
    • López Vega, Ramón; Schiff, Maurice (Wiley-Blackwell, 1998)
      In this paper we add four features to the standard Heckscher-Ohlin model: skilled and unskilled labour, international labour mobility, migration costs, and financing constraints. We show that migration of unskilled, ...
    • Devlin, Robert; Ffrench-Davis Muñoz, Ricardo (John Wiley & Sons, 1999)
      THE decade of the 1990s has witnessed a wave of regional integrationinitiatives in Latin America: more than 15 agreements — free trade areasor customs unions — since 1990 with a handful more in varying degrees ofnegotiation ...
    • Caballero, Ricardo; Engel Goetz, Eduardo (The Econometric Society, 1999)
      In this paper we derive a model of aggregate investment that builds from the lumpymicroeconomic behavior of firms facing stochastic fixed adjustment costs. Instead of theŽ.standard sharp S, s bands, firms’ adjustment ...
    • Nicolas Alarcon, Carolina; Urrutia Sepúlveda, Angélica; Valenzuela Fernández, Leslier; Gil Lafuente, Jaime (Elsevier, 2018)
      The aim of this study is to analyse the reach of existing investigation on social media and its relation to companies throughout 2014-2015. To achieve the proposed, the study proceeds in classifying such information and ...