Browsing by Issue Date Artículos de revistas
Now showing items 1-20 of 11583
(1948)It is well known that 0.0025 M solution of sodium oxalate does not delay blood coagulation, even when in stoichiometric concentration with calcium. Three times more sodium oxalate than calcium present in blood is required ...
(1952)1. 1. Aureomycin produced inhibition of B. coli in vitro beginning at 0.4 mg/ml concentration. 2. 2. At 24 hours terramycin produced marked diminution of parasites in vitro at 0.6 mg/ml. Concentrations of 0.2 and 0.4 mg/ml ...
(1957)1. 1. Hydatid cyst scolices contain large amounts of protein and smaller amounts of lipids. Less inorganic substances are present than in other immature tapeworms. Two polysaccharides are stored: glycogen and a polysaccharide ...
(1957)The occurrence of circulating neoplastic cells was studied in cortisone-treated and in untreated tumor-bearing mice which received isografts of three different neoplasms. It was found that the hormonal treatment did not ...
(1959)Nervous accommodation of the sensitive elements of the pulp was determined in 152 teeth by measuring the accommodation index with 2 exponentially increasing currents -of different rise-times.Thirty-five teeth with pulpal ...
(1961)The toxicity of procaine has been found to be markedly different in the male and female albino rat. The convulsant dose-50 of procaine, injected intraperitoneally (i.p.), was significantly higher in the male rat. It decreased ...
(Springer-Verlag, 1963)Hematocrit levels were measured on a series of Chilean mammals including PHYLLOTIS DARWINI RUPESTRIS, AKODON ANDINUS, AKODON BERLEPSCHII, LAGIDIUM VISCACIA and CHINCHILLA BOLIVIANA from high altitude; and PHYLLOTIS D. ...