Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Olivares Tirado, Pedro; Zanga Pizarro, Rosendo Orlando (Oxford, 2022)
      Background Most of the evidence about impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of healthcare workers (HCWs) comes from symptom questionnaires. It is important to evaluate main mental health diagnoses in hospital ...
    • Mediavilla, Roberto; Fernández Jiménez, Eduardo; Martínez Ales, Gonzalo; Moreno Kastner, Berta; Martínez Morata, Irene; Jaramillo, Fabiola; Morán Sánchez, Inés; Minué, Sergio; Torres Cantero, Alberto; Alvarado Muñoz, Rubén; Ayuso Mateos, José Luis; Mascayano, Franco; Susser, Ezra; Bravo Ortiz, María Fe (Elsevier, 2021)
      Background: During the initial COVID-19 outbreak, organizational changes were required to ensure adequate staffing in healthcare facilities. The extent to which organizational changes impacted the mental wellbeing ...
    • Fica Cubillos, Alberto; Cifuentes, D. Marcela; Ajenjo, H. M.Cristina; Jemenao, P. M.Irene; Zambrano, G. Alejandra; Febré, V. Naldy; Delpiano, M. Luis; Diomedi, P. Alexis; Ramonda, C. Paulina (2008)
      Tuberculosis (TB) is an occupational risk hazard that explains 5 to 5.361 additional cases of TB per 100.000 individuals among healthcare workers (HCW) in relation to general population in developing countries. For each ...