Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Martínez, Enid E.; Ariagno, Katelyn A.; Stenquist, Nicole; Anderson, Daniela; Muñoz Benavides, Eliana; Mehta, Nilesh M. (Sage, 2017-06)
      Background: Early and optimal energy and protein delivery have been associated with improved clinical outcomes in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Overweight and obese children in the PICU may be at risk for ...
    • Raimondi, N.; Vial, M. R.; Calleja, J.; Quintero, A.; Cortés Alban, A.; Celis, E.; Pacheco, C.; Ugarte, S.; Añón, J. M.; Hernández G., Nieves; Vidal, E.; Chiappero, G.; Ríos, F.; Castilleja, F.; Matos, A.; Rodriguez, E.; Antoniazzi, P.; Teles, J. M.; Dueñas, C.; Sinclair, J.; Martí (Ediciones Doyma, S.L., 2017)
      © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y SEMICYUCObjectives Provide evidence based guidelines for tracheostomy in critically ill adult patients and identify areas needing further research. Methods A task force composed of ...
    • Yen Lee, Penny; Salinas F., Mauricio; Lora L., Pilar; Reynolds H., Enrique; Enciso G., Giovanni (Sociedad Chilena de Enfermedades Respiratorias, 2015)
      © 2015, Sociedad Chilena de Enfermedades Respiratorias. All rights reserved.In Chile, hydrochlorothiazide is frequently prescribed as first line antihypertensive therapy. Among it’s well known adverse reactions are: ...
    • Wartenberg, Katja E.; Wang, Xia; Muñoz Venturelli, Paula; Rabinstein, Alejandro A.; Lavados Germain, Pablo Manuel; Anderson, Craig S.; Robinson, Thompson (Springer, 2017-06)
      Background Wide variation exists in criteria for accessing intensive care unit (ICU) facilities for managing patients with critical illnesses such as acute intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). We aimed to determine the predictors ...
    • Romero Dapueto, Carolina; Castillo, Rodrigo L. (Nova Science, 2017)
      Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is one of the most frequently studied entities of lung injury due to its prevalence in the Units of critically ill patients, because of their varied etiology and its evolution, ...
    • Santamarina, Mario G.; Beddings, Ignacio; Martínez Lomakin, Felipe; Boisier Riscal, Dominique; Gutiérrez Claveria, Mónica; Vidal Marambio, Jaime; Retamal Báez, Nicole; Pávez Novoa, Cristian; Reyes Allende, Cesar; Ferreira Perey, Paulina; Gutiérrez Torres, Miguel; Villalobos Mazza, Camila; Vergara Sagredo, Constanza; Ahumada Bermejo, Sebastián; Labarca Mellado, Eduardo; Barthel Munchmeyer, Elizabeth; Marchant Ramos, Solange; Volpacchio, Mariano; Vega, Jorge (BMC, 2022)
      Background: SARS-CoV-2 seems to afect the regulation of pulmonary perfusion. Hypoperfusion in areas of well-aerated lung parenchyma results in a ventilation–perfusion mismatch that can be characterized using subtraction ...