Now showing items 1-20 of 20

    • Acuña, Aníbal I.; Esparza, Magdalena; Kramm, Carlos; Beltrán, Felipe A.; Parra, Alejandra V.; Cepeda, Carlos; Toro, Carlos A.; Vidal, René L.; Hetz Flores, Claudio; Concha, Ilona I.; Brauchi, Sebastián; Levine, Michael S.; Castro, Maite A. (Nature Publishing Group, 2013)
      Huntington's disease has been associated with a failure in energy metabolism and oxidative damage. Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant highly concentrated in the brain where it acts as a messenger, modulating neuronal ...
    • Melnick, Daniel; Li, Shaoyang; Moreno, Marcos; Cisternas, Marco; Jara-Muñoz, Julius; Wesson, Robert; Nelson, Alan; Báez, Juan Carlos; Deng, Zhiguo (Nature Publishing Group, 2018)
      © 2018, The Author(s). Great megathrust earthquakes arise from the sudden release of energy accumulated during centuries of interseismic plate convergence. The moment deficit (energy available for future earthquakes) is ...
    • Gomberoff, L. (1995)
      The linear and nonlinear theory of circularly-polarized Alfvdn and ion-cyclotron waves in multicomponent plasmas is reviewed. It is shown that minor heavy- ion components play an important role in the dispersive properties ...
    • Gomberoff, L.; Gomberoff, K. (1992)
      It is shown that in a current-carrying cylindrical plasma with a free boundary, resistivity and thermal conductivity can lead to large-scale steady convection. Convection can take place for any azimuthal wave number m, ...
    • Gomberoff, K.; Gomberoff, L. (1992)
      The effect of Hall currents on the steady convection of a fully ionized current‐carrying cylindrical plasma column surrounded by perfectly conducting walls is studied. In general, when the Hall term is large, it can affect ...
    • Gell-Mann, M.; Goldberger, M. L.; Low, F. E.; Marx, E.; Zachariasen, F. (1964)
      It is shown that an elementary particle of conventional field theory may, under certain conditions, lie on a Regge trajectory. These conditions are that the system contain a "nonsense" channel at the angular momentum of ...
    • Jung, David; Rivas, Nicolas; Harting, Jens (American Institute of Physics Inc., 2019)
      We present simulation results and an explanatory theory on how antagonistic salts affect the spinodal decomposition of binary fluid mixtures. We find that spinodal decomposition is arrested and complex structures form only ...
    • Gomberoff, (1996)
      We study the linear and nonlinear properties of electromagnetic ion-cyclotron waves in the magnetosphere and the solar wind. In particular, we study parametric decays of large amplitude electromagnetic ion-cyclotron waves ...
    • Gomberoff, L.; Tolmachev, V. (1969)
      It is shown that mixing among SU(3) supermultiplets leads to new mass relations. These mass relations could be useful for the interpretation of some experiments and for further particle assignments to SU(3) supermultiplets. ...
    • Castillo, Juan P.; Rui, Huan; Basilio, Daniel; Das, Avisek; Roux, Benoît; Latorre, Ramón; Bezanilla, Francisco; Holmgren, Miguel (Nature Publishing Group, 2015)
      © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. The Na<sup>+</sup>/K<sup>+</sup>-ATPase restores sodium (Na<sup>+</sup>) and potassium (K<sup>+</sup>) electrochemical ...
    • Gomberoff, L.; Galvão, R. M.O. (1997)
      A circularly polarized electromagnetic wave, propagating in the direction of an external magnetic field in an electron-positron plasma, is known to be unstable for frequencies less than half the plasma frequency. This has ...
    • Barahona, (1982)
      In a spin glass with Ising spins, the problems of computing the magnetic partition function and finding a ground state are studied. In a finite two-dimensional lattice these problems can be solved by algorithms that require ...
    • Gomberoff, L.; Muñoz, V.; Galvão, R. M.O. (1997)
      We study the parametric decays of a large amplitude, linearly polarized electromagnetic wave in an electron-positron plasma. We include harmonic generation, the ponderomotive force, and weakly relativistic effects. It is ...
    • Gomberoff, (1989)
      In a previous paper [J. Plasma Phys. 34, 299 (1985)] it was shown that resistivity and thermal conductivity lead to large scale stationary convection in a current-carrying cylindrical plasma under the action of a shearless ...
    • Gratton, F. T.; Gnavi, G.; Galvão, R. M.O.; Gomberoff, L. (1997)
      The modulational instability of a linearly polarized, strong, electromagnetic wave in a (unmagnetized) positron-electron plasma is analyzed using relativistic two-fluid hydrodynamics to properly account for physical regimes ...
    • Santos, J. C.; Tiznado, William; Contreras Ramos, Renato; Fuentealba Rosas, Patricio (2004)
      The electron localization function (ELF) has been separated in its sigma and pi components. The topological analysis of the new ELFsigma and ELFpi functions has been used to quantify the concept of resonance. The highest ...
    • Moreno Moncada, Patricio; Vilanova, I.; Villa Martínez, Rodrigo; Garreaud Salazar, René; Rojas, M.; De Pol-Holz, Ricardo (Nature Publishing Group, 2014)
      Late twentieth-century instrumental records reveal a persistent southward shift of the Southern Westerly Winds during austral summer and autumn associated with a positive trend of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and ...
    • Gomberoff, (1994)
      It is shown that in a current-carrying cylindrical plasma with a free boundary, viscosity and thermal conductivity can lead to large scale steady convection. The physical situation is identical to the case when the plasma ...
    • Santos,; Fuentealba, M. (Elsevier, 2003)
      The electronic structure of the first members of the ladderane family has been theoretically studied. The compounds are predicted to be highly symmetric and stable. Their geometries, heat of formation, vibrational frequencies ...