Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Lardone, María Cecilia; Busch, Alexander; Santos, José; Miranda, Patricio; Eyheramendy, Susana; Pereira Scalabrino, Ana; Juul, Anders; Almstrup, Kristian; Mericq, Verónica (Endocrine Society, 2020)
      Context: Voice break, as a landmark of advanced male puberty in genome-wide association studies (GWAS), has revealed that pubertal timing is a highly polygenic trait. Although voice break is easily recorded in large cohorts, ...
    • Eyzaguirre, Francisca C.; Bancalari, Rodrigo; Youlton, Ronald; Román, Rossana; Silva, Ricardo; García, Hernán; Mericq, Verónica (2009)
      Background: Precocious pubarche (PP), defined as the development of sexual pubic hair before 8 years of age in females and before 9 years in males, is usually a benign condition but it can also be the first sign of an ...