Now showing items 198-217 of 530

    • Mundt, Adrian P.; Delhey Langerfeldt, Sabine; Rozas Serri, Enzo; Siebenfoercher, Mathias; Priebe, Stefan (Frontiers Media, 2021)
      Introduction: Mental health policies have encouraged removals of psychiatric beds in many countries. It is under debate whether to continue those trends. We conducted a systematic review of expert arguments for trends of ...
    • Díaz, Rodrigo A.; Graf, Jerónimo; Zambrano, José M.; Ruiz, Carolina; Espinoza, Juan A.; Bravo, Sebastián I; Salazar, Pablo A.; Bahamondes, Juan C.; Castillo, Luis B.; Gajardo, Abraham I.; Kursbaum, Andrés; Ferreira, Leonila L.; Valenzuela, Josefa; Castillo, Roberto E.; Pérez Araos, Rodrigo A.; Bravo, Marcela; Aquevedo Salazar, Andrés Fernando; González, Mauricio G.; Pereira, Rodrigo; Ortega, Leandro; Santis, César; Fernández, Paula A.; Cortés, Vilma; Cornejo Rosas, Rodrigo Alfredo (Amer Thoracic Soc, 2021)
      Rationale: The role of and needs for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) at a population level during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic have not been completely established. Objectives: To identify the ...
    • Troncoso Olchevskaia E., Danilla Enei S., Cuevas Troncoso P., Erazo Cortés C., Benítez Seguel S., Andrades Cvitanic P., Sepúlveda Pereira S., Godoy Avila M.I. (Sociedad de Cirujanos de Chile, 2020)
    • Kirk, Ben; Salech Morales, Felipe; Duque, Gustavo (Massachusetts Medical Society, 2020)
    • Gutiérrez C., León S., Karen Daniela; Bahamonde S., Héctor (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2012)
      Streptococcal pharyngitis is common in children and adolescents. It is strongly suggested by the presence of fever, tonsillar exudate, tender enlarged anterior cervical lymph nodes and absence of cough (Centor criteria). ...
    • Youssef, Lina; Miranda, Jezid; Paules, Cristina; García Otero, Laura; Vellvé, Kilian; Kalapotharakos, Grigorios; Sepúlveda Martínez, Alvaro; Crovetto, Francesca; Gómez, Olga; Gratacós, Eduard; Crispi, Fatima (Mosby-Elsevier, 2020)
      BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction share some pathophysiologic features and are both associated with placental insufficiency. Fetal cardiac remodeling has been described extensively in fetal growth ...
    • Burgos Li, Ana María (2012-02)
      Background: Obesity is a severe disease whose prevalence continues to increase. Resective gastric bypass is one of the surgical procedures used in our center in patients with obesity, but like other techniques is not without ...
    • Mardones, P.; Graua, M.; Araya, J.; Córdova, A.; Pereira, I.; Penailillo, P.; Silva, R.; Moraga, A.; Aguilera Insunza, R.; Palomo, I.; Yepes-Nunez, J.J. (Elsevier, 2013)
      Background: There are no data on atmospheric pollen in Talca. In the present work, our aim isto describe the amount of pollen grain in the atmosphere of the city of Talca likely to causepollinosis of its inhabitants.Methods: ...
    • Tordecilla Cadiu, Juan; Aguilera, R.; Bastías Oñate, Carla; Salinas, J. (Wiley, 2016)
    • Cárdenas S., Patricio; Ríos V., Marco; Troncoso O., Ekaterina; Cárdenas D., Rocío (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2010)
      A study of patients with intestinal fístulas treated at the surgical clinic of the Hospital Salvador, Santiago de Chile, from January 2007 until June 2009. The sizes of the study were 26 patients in whom diagnosis was ...
    • Falcón B., Felipe; Pereda R., M.Lilia; Maripangui D., Maritza; Campos Gutiérrez, Alejandro; Sarmiento G., M. Carolina (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2010)
      Phlegmasia Caerulea Dolens is a rare complication of deep vein thrombosis. It presents with a sudden onset of pain, swelling, discoloration and arterial compromise of the affected limb. There’s usually history of prothrombotic ...
    • Cortés Rojas, Aarón; Castillo, Angela; Sciaraffia, Alicia (Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2018)
      Background: Allergies affect children's health as well as their quality of life, stress levels, and family budget. The available literature suggests that family, social and psychological factors are affected by allergic ...
    • Herskovic Lax, Pedro (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      Clinical tutors live in constant tension. They must care form patients, do research, generate funds and teach. Traditionally the average clinical tutors have had no formal training for teaching.The lack of formal training ...
    • Verdugo Avello, Francisco; González, Edgardo; Pedemonte, Christian; Vargas, Ilich (Elsevier, 2013)
      Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue ver la prevalencia y la evolución del tratamiento enlas fracturas radiculares en pacientes adultos laboralmente activos que sufrieron un traumadentoalveolar y presentar un protocolo ...
    • Mahar, Patrick D.; Wasiak, Jason; O’Loughlin, Christopher J.; Christelis, Nicholas; Arnold, Carolyn A.; Spinks, Anneliese B.; Danilla Enei, Stefan (Elsevier, 2012)
      Introduction: Pain continues to be an ongoing issue of concern in adult burn patients. Inadequate pain assessment hinders meaningful research, and prevents the optimal management of burn pain. The objective of this study ...
    • Tenorio, Jair; Alarcón Arias, Pablo; Arias, Pedro; Dapia, Irene; Garcia Minaur, Sixto; Bralo, María Palomares; Campistol, Jaume; Climent, Salvador; Valenzuela, Irene; Ramos, Sergio; Monseny, Antonio; Grondona, Fermina; Botet, Javier; Serrano, Mercedes; Solis, Mario; Santos Simarro, Fernando; Alvarez, Sara; Teixido Tura, Gisela; Jaen, Alberto; Gordo, Gema; Rivera, María Belén; Nevado, Julián; Hernández, Alicia; Cigudosa, Juan C.; Ruiz Pérez, Víctor; Tizzano, Eduardo; Lapunzina, Pablo (Nature, 2020)
      Tatton-Brown-Rahman (TBRS) syndrome is a recently described overgrowth syndrome caused by loss of function variants in the DNMT3A gene. This gene encodes for a DNA methyltransferase 3 alpha, which is involved in epigenetic ...
    • Marambio G., Watkins S., Guillermo Andrés; Jans B., Jaime (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2012)
      Gastrin is a polypeptide hormone secreted primarily by G cells of the gastric antrum. Its main function is the regulation of gastric acidity, through the release of histamine, which ultimately acts on the parietal cell. ...
    • Melissas, John; Braghetto Miranda, Italo; Molina Franjola, Juan; Silecchia, Gianfranco; Iossa, Angelo; Iannelli, Antonio; Foletto, Mirto (Springer, 2015)
      Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and/or hiatus hernia (HH) are one of the most common disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Despite the positive effect of sleeve gastrectomy (SG) regarding weight loss and ...
    • Braghetto Miranda, Ítalo Francisco; Korn Bruzzone, Owen Enrique; Gutiérrez Contreras, Luis Esteban; Torrealba Bustos, Andrés Hernán; Rojas Caro, Jorge Luis (Colegio Brasileiro Cirurgia Digestiva-CBCD, 2022)
      Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LGB) is the recommended procedure for morbidly obese patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). However, there have been reported gastroesophageal reflux symptoms or ...