Now showing items 1-20 of 530

    • Montenegro Medina, María Angélica; Ornstein Letelier, Claudia; Tapia Ilabaca, Patricia (Universidad de Chile, 2006)
      Este artículo revisa las acepciones comunes de los términos "cuerpo" y "corporalidad", las distingue y las sitúa en la vivencia de la imagen corporal femenina actual. Desde este análisis, propone algunas explicaciones en ...
    • Cortés Sedano, Esteban (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      A mixed, quantitative and qualitative methodology was performed to analyze the reflections raised in a group of academic physicians from the Department of Medicine of the University of Chile Clinical Hospital concerning ...
    • Castillo Niño, Manuel (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
    • Rosselot Jaramillo, Jaime (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      Practically, since it was born, an essential interest of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile has been the continuous actualization of its learning objectives, and the education improvement of methodologies ...
    • Herskovic Lax, Pedro (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      Clinical tutors live in constant tension. They must care form patients, do research, generate funds and teach. Traditionally the average clinical tutors have had no formal training for teaching.The lack of formal training ...
    • Fuenzalida Cruz, Héctor; Herane Herane, María Isabel; Zegpi, Emilia; De Pablo, Carolina; Espadas, Maria José; Trullás, Carles; Mirada, Alfons; Guillermo, González; Martin, Q. F. (Wiley Periodicals, 2009)
      Background Hydrating and emollient products are often recommended to patients under isotretinoin therapy to control the most frequent mucocutaneous side effects and to improve adherence to treatment. Aims To assess, using ...
    • Horwitz Campos, Nina; Herskovic Lax, Pedro; Bascuñán Rodríguez, María Luz; Valenzuela P., Sergio; Bravo Lechat, Mireya; Acevedo Pérez, Irene (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      Organizations develop codes of ethics to give orientations to their members on how to recognize,understand and handle ethical dilemmas in their daily work. In year 2005 a group of faculty members of the Universidad de Chile ...
    • Muñoz Gómez, María Gabriela (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      Superior Education is a fundamental area in our society, very often postponed without considering enough the urgent need of changes, even though discussion is persistent about its importance as essential instrument for ...
    • Dvoredsky, Ana Eugenia; Rosselot Jaramillo, Jaime (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      Since their creation, teaching hospitals been associated to complex health care institutions. They have been able to give education and training to health care professionals while providing patient care. Teaching Hospitals ...
    • Mendoza Inzunza, Laura; Vásquez, Alicia; Quevedo Ricardi, Fernando (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      This article is intended to describe to clinicians what the Department of Education in Health Sciences means to pre graduation teaching of bioethics, through its historical development,its educational objectives and its ...
    • Vivaldi Véjar, Ennio (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      To speak about “our university hospital”, integrates automatically the history, the derived social responsibility and an essential academic project which persistence will depend on its own initiative, creativity and ...
    • Armanet Bernales, Leonor; Barbieri Ortiz, Zulema de, (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      During the year 2006, the Faculty of Medicine started a process of curricular innovation in its eight schools. For that aim it was decided to implement a competency-based curriculum,thus defining a conceptual framework to ...
    • Gómez Morales, María Patricia (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      The principal and basic mission of the university is to fulfill the requirements and demands of the community it serves. We are currently living a period which is both, fascinating but also very worrisome. During the last ...
    • Valenzuela P., Sergio (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      This article is intended to describe to clinicians what the Department of Education in Health Sciences means to pre graduation teaching of bioethics, through its historical development,its educational objectives and its ...
    • Millán Klusse, Teresa; Vargas Catalán, Nelson (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      Based on findings and conclusions of two former studies on the subject, carried out with students and academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Chile, as well as an international review of the pertinent ...
    • Romero Patiño, Carlos; Michea Acevedo, Luis; Illanes Diez, Sergio; Serra, R.; Pino, K.; Figueroa‐Diesel, H.; Soothill, P. W; Parra Cordero, Mauro (Wiley InterScience, 2009-10-08)
      Objective To determine if maternal plasma ffDNA is increased early in pregnancies which subsequently develop preeclampsia (PE) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Methods Blood was obtained at 11–14 weeks and ...
    • Salgado J., Daniela; Garrido M., Maricel; Alvarez E., Evelyn (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Terapia Ocupacional, 2009-12)
      El Accidente Cerebro Vascular (ACV) es la segunda causa de muerte en Chile y sus secuelas repercuten en el desempeño ocupacional; 50% necesita asistencia para bañarse, 30% para vestirse y 10% para higiene personal. La ...
    • Segovia Ruiz, Erico (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2010)
    • Vergara Bize, Loreto (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2010)
      Physical medicine and rehabilitation as a medical specialty in the United States emerged in the early 1930’s and was consolidated as such in the early 1950’s, at the same time; it began its development in Europe, together ...
    • Venegas Santos, Mauricio; Villanueva Arancibia, Rodrigo; Brahm Barril, Javier (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2010)
      The Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the prototype member of the Hepadnaviridae family, which can cause acute or chronic hepatic illness. The virus has a partially double-stranded DNA genome of 3.2 kb. Molecular variations and ...