Now showing items 498-517 of 519

    • Kruszka, P; Addissie, YA; Tekendo-Ngongang, C; Jones, KL; Savage, SK; Gupta, N; Sirisena, ND; Dissanayake, VHW; Paththinige, CS; Aravena, T; Nampoothiri, S; Yesodharan, D; Girisha, KM; Patil, SJ; Jamuar, SS; Goh, JCY; Utari, A; Sihombing, N; Mishra, R; Chitrakar, NS; Iriele, BC; Lulseged, E; Megarbane, A; Uwineza, A; Oyenusi, EE; Olopade, OB; Fasanmade, OA; Duenas-Roque, MM; Thong, MK; Tung, JYL; Mok, GTK; Fleischer, N; Rwegerera, GM; de Herreros, MB; Watts, J; Fieggen, K; Huckstadt, V; Moresco, A; Obregon, MG; Hussen, DF; Ashaat, NA; Ashaat, EA; Chung, BHY; Badoe, E; Faradz, SMH; El Ruby, MO; Shotelersuk, V; Wonkam, A; Ekure, EN; Phadke, SR; Richieri-Costa, A; Muenke, M (Wiley-Liss, 2020)
    • Oliveros, María José; Serón, Pamela; Román, Claudia; Gálvez, Manuel; Navarro Alarcón, Rocío Alejandra; Latin, Gonzalo; Marileo, Tania; Molina, Juan Pablo; Sepúlveda, Pablo; Marzuca Nassr, Gabriel Nasri; Muñoz, Sergio (Frontiers Media, 2022)
      The 2-Minute Step Test (2MST) has been presented as an alternative to the 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) based on the association between the two tests in older adults; however, some authors propose that it should not be a ...
    • Tapia Pinto, Verónica; Gabler Neale, Fernando; Muñoz, Marcela; Yazigi, Roberto; Selman Abuchaibe, Alberto; Vega Blanco, María Margarita; Paredes Vargas, Alfonso; Romero Osses, Carmen (Elsevier, 2011)
      Objectives. To evaluate the role of trkA receptor as a potential tumor marker in serous epithelial ovarian cancer and its relationship with the angiogenic factors expression as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) ...
    • Viaro, Mauricio S. S.; Danilla Enei, Stefan; Cansanção, Alvaro Luiz; Viaro, Paloma Salomone (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2020)
      Background: High-definition (HD) liposuction has allowed surgeons to sculpt the abdomen, enhancing abdominal etching. To create a more athletic abdomen, fat grafting has been used subcutaneously, and rectus abdominis fat ...
    • Vieira Machado, Camila; Tostes, Maluah; Alves, Gabrielle; Nazer Herrera, Julio; Martínez, Liliana; Wettig, Elizabeth; Pizarro Rivadeneira, Oscar; Díaz Caamaño, Marcela; Larenas Ascui, Jessica; Pavez, Pedro; Dutra, María da Graca; Castilla, Eduardo; Orioli, Ieda María (Sociedade Brasileira de Genética, 2016)
      The presence of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans has led to the development of a multi-ethnic, admixed population in Chile. This study aimed to contribute to the characterization of the uniparental genetic structure ...
    • Gómez Morales, María Patricia (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      The principal and basic mission of the university is to fulfill the requirements and demands of the community it serves. We are currently living a period which is both, fascinating but also very worrisome. During the last ...
    • Aliste J., Bravo D., Layera S. (Sociedad de Anestesiologia de Chile, 2020)
    • Andorra, Magi; Alba-Arbalat, Salut; Camos Carreras, Anna; Gabilondo, Inigo; Fraga Pumar, Elena; Torres Torres, Rubén; Pulido Valdeolivas, Irene; Tercero Uribe, Ana I.; Guerrero Zamora, Ana M.; Ortiz Pérez, Santiago; Zubizarreta, Irati; Sola Valls, Nuria; Llufriu, Sara; Levy Sepúlveda, María Paz; Martínez Hernández, Eugenia; Armangue, Thais; Blanco, Yolanda; Villoslada, Pablo; Sánchez Dalmau, Bernardo; Saiz, Albert; Martínez Lapiscina, Elena H. (AmerAmerican Medical Association, 2020)
      Importance Neuroprotective and remyelinating therapies are required for multiple sclerosis (MS), and acute optic neuritis (AON) is a potential condition to evaluate such treatments. Objective To comprehensively assess key ...
    • Davies, RW; Fiksinski, AM; Breetvelt, EJ; Williams, NM; Hooper, SR; Monfeuga, T; Bassett, AS; Owen, MJ; Gur, RE; Morrow, BE; McDonald-McGinn, DM; Swillen, A; Chow, EWC; van den Bree, M; Emanuel, BS; Vermeesch, JR; van Amelsvoort, T; Arango, C; Armando, M; Campbell, LE; Cubells, JF; Eliez, S; Garcia-Minaur, S; Gothelf, D; Kates, WR; Murphy, KC; Murphy, CM; Murphy, DG; Philip, N; Repetto, GM; Shashi, V; Simon, TJ; Suner, DH; Vicari, S; Scherer, SW; Bearden, CE; Vorstman, JAS (Nature Research, 2020)
    • Salgado J., Daniela; Garrido M., Maricel; Alvarez E., Evelyn (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Terapia Ocupacional, 2009-12)
      El Accidente Cerebro Vascular (ACV) es la segunda causa de muerte en Chile y sus secuelas repercuten en el desempeño ocupacional; 50% necesita asistencia para bañarse, 30% para vestirse y 10% para higiene personal. La ...
    • Mendoza Inzunza, Laura; Vásquez, Alicia; Quevedo Ricardi, Fernando (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2009)
      This article is intended to describe to clinicians what the Department of Education in Health Sciences means to pre graduation teaching of bioethics, through its historical development,its educational objectives and its ...
    • Valdés Rubio, Enrique; Castro L., Magdalena; Castro C., Daniela; Sepúlveda Martínez, Alvaro (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2012)
      Preeclampsia is an important cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality locally and globally. Diagnosis requires a 24 hours urine collection to determine the protein level. Current investigations had been focused on ...
    • Montesinos, Rosa; Parodi, José F.; Díaz, Mónica M.; Herrera Pérez, Eder; Valeriano Lorenzo, Elizabeth; Soto Garcés, Ambar; Delgado Derio, Carolina; Slachevsky Chonchol, Andrea; Custodio, Nilton (Sage, 2022)
      Dementia in Latin America is a crucial public health problem. Identifying brief cognitive screening (BCS) tools for the primary care setting is crucial, particularly for illiterate individuals. We evaluated tool performance ...
    • Peix, Amalia; Karthikeyan, Ganesan; Massardo Vega, Lucia Teresa del Pilar; Kalaivani, Mani; Patel, Chetan; Pabón, Luz M.; Jiménez Heffernan, Amelia; Alexanderson, Erick; Butt, Sadaf; Kumar, Alka; Marín, Víctor; Mesquita, Claudio T.; Morozova, Olga; Páez, Diana; García, Ernest V. (Springer, 2021)
      Background: Placing the left ventricular (LV) lead in a viable segment with the latest mechanical activation (vSOLA) may be associated with optimal cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) response. We assessed the role ...
    • Venegas Santos, Mauricio; Villanueva Arancibia, Rodrigo; Brahm Barril, Javier (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2010)
      The Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the prototype member of the Hepadnaviridae family, which can cause acute or chronic hepatic illness. The virus has a partially double-stranded DNA genome of 3.2 kb. Molecular variations and ...
    • Sepúlveda T., Francisco; Palma Ceppi, Cristian; Fleck L., Daniela; Sánchez, Josvany; Mercado C., Alejandro; Reyes Osorio, Diego; Hidalgo Vargas, Juan (2014)
      Introducción: La vasectomía es una técnica segura y efectiva para el control de la fertilidad masculina. A pesar de esto, en el mundo se realizan el doble de esterilizaciones femeninas respecto a vasectomías, lo cual es ...
    • Cabrera, Sebastián; Benavente, David; Alvo Abodovsky, Miriam; De Pablo, Paola; Ferro, Charles J. (Elsevier, 2014)
      Vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency are common in the older and are associated with several conditions including anaemia, cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment and cancer. Evidence from in vitro studies suggests ...
    • Gálvez, Karla; Muñoz, Paula; Vera, Valentina; Arce, Claudio (Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría, 2018)
      Introduction: Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is caused by a pathologic and destructive response of the organism as a result of the interaction between donor immunocompetent T lymphocytes and the recipient tisular antigens. ...
    • Valdevenito Sepúlveda, Juan; Mercado Campero, Alejandro; Naser Nassar, Michel; Castro Caperan, Daniela; Ledesma, Marta; Arribillaga, Leandro (Wiley, 2020)
      Aims To describe the voiding pattern (VP) of women with urinary incontinence but without voiding symptoms and compare their clinical and urodynamic features between those voiding with and without a measurable detrusor ...