Now showing items 157-162 of 162

    • Arata de Nordenflycht, Romina; Cabrera Figueroa, Natalia; Donoso Knaudt, Catalina (Universidad de Chile, 2010)
      Llegado el período de transición a la democracia en Chile, las cámaras de video, antes utilizadas por artistas plásticos en su búsqueda de denuncia política y social, son ahora tomadas por una nueva generación de creadores, ...
    • Master, Suely; Guzmán Noriega, Marco; Dowdall, Jayme (The Voice Foundation, 2013)
      Summary: Objectives. Vocally trained actresses are expected to have more vocal economy than nonactresses. Therefore, we hypothesize that there will be differences in the electroglottogram-based voice economy parameter ...
    • Hampala, Vit; Laukkanen, Anne María; Guzmán, Marco A.; Horacek, Jaromir; Svec, Jan G. (Elsevier, 2015)
      Objectives. Phonation into a tube is a widely used method for vocal training and therapy. Previous studies and practical experience show that the phonation becomes easier and louder after such an exercise. The purpose of ...
    • Guzmán Noriega, Marco; Laukkanen, Anne Maria; Krupa, Petr; Horácek, Jaromir; Svec, Jan G. (The Voice Foundation, 2013)
      Summary: Objective. The present study aimed to investigate the vocal tract and glottal function during and after phonation into a tube and a stirring straw. Methods. A male classically trained singer was assessed. ...
    • Monckeberg Pardo, María Olivia (1986)
      El ex senador por Santiago y actual dirigente del Partido Comunista estima imprescindible encontrar un factor común para recuperar la democracia para que "el pueblo determine qué clase de país quiere". Está dispuesto ...
    • Morales Vargas, Alejandro; Pedraza Jiménez, Rafael; Codina, Lluís (EPI SCP, 2020)
      A range of different methods and tools have been proposed by both academics and professionals in recent years for evaluating the quality of websites. Some are of general application and can be used to assess any type of ...