The surface energy balance of an active ice-covered volcano:Villarrica Volcano, Southern Chile

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Brock, Benjamin
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The surface energy balance of an active ice-covered volcano:Villarrica Volcano, Southern Chile
The energy balance of bare snow and tephra-covered ice near the glacier equilibrium line
elevation on Villarrica Volcano, southern Chile, was investigated during 2004 and 2005, combining
meteorological, surface temperature and ablation measurements with energy balance modelling.
A tephra thermal conductivity of 0.35Wm–1 K–1, and a critical tephra thickness of <5mm at which
ablation is reduced compared to bare snow, were obtained from field data. These low values are
attributable to the highly porous lapilli particles which make up most of the surface material. Modelled
melt totals in the January to March period were 4.95m and 3.96m water equivalent (w.e.) in 2004 and
2005, respectively, compared with 0.5mw.e. melt for ice buried by >0.1m tephra. Windblown tephra
impurities lowered snow albedo, but increased snowmelt by only an estimated 0.28mw.e. over the
same period. The net mass balance impact of supraglacial tephra at Villarrica Volcano is therefore
positive, as thick ash and lapilli mantle most of the glacier ablation zones, probably reducing annual
ablation by several metres w.e. In the accumulation seasons, frequent melting events were recorded
with modelled daily snowmelt rates of up to 50mmw.e.
This work was funded by Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y
Tecnologı´a, Chile (FONDECYT research grant 1040515 and
international cooperation grant 7050177), the Royal Society,
UK and Centro de Estudios Cientı´ficos (CECS). CECS is
funded in part by the Millenium Science Initiative and
Empresas CMPC. F.
ISSN: 0260-3055, Online ISSN: 1727-5644
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Annals of Glaciology, Volume 45, Number 1, pp. 104-114(11), 2007