CLIM: An Interactive Tabletop for Landscape Modeling
In this paper we describe our development of an interactive touch
tabletop user interface for a landscape design tool. The user interface provides a
view of the data, which combines the affordances of a multi-touch tabletop display
with a vertical screen for real-time feedback. While the table metaphor fits
well with the concepts of a top down view of land-scape, approachable from
any direction, the board metaphor provides a clear, shared orientation for reading
output charts. We also present a data model for landscape projects, which
provides a knowledge-based approach to design decision making. We discuss
the sourcing of the datasets that drive our landscape model.
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C. Stephanidis (Ed.): Posters, Part II, HCII 2013, CCIS 374, pp. 691–695, 2013.