Inbreeding and effective population size in a coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) breeding nucleus in Chile

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Yáñez López, José
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Inbreeding and effective population size in a coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) breeding nucleus in Chile
A commercial breeding nucleus of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) was established in Chile in 1997. This
nucleus consists of two independent populations corresponding to different year-classes (even and odd,
depending on the spawning year), which have been successfully selected for harvest weight (approximate genetic
gain per generation of 10%). In order to constrain the buildup of inbreeding a strategy based on avoiding full-sib
mating in each generation was used. In this study we assess the inbreeding levels and effective population size
of the two year-classes to evaluate the outcome of the mating strategy within the nucleus. The average rate of inbreeding
in the two year classes was around 1% per generation. However, rapid increase of inbreeding coefficients
in the latest generations suggests that the simple mating strategy used should be improved in order to constrain
maximum inbreeding values in further generations. The effective population size calculated based on the regression
of the average rate of co-ancestry across generations was 34 and 39 for the odd and even populations, respectively.
The effective population number is 50 for both, odd and even populations, based on the regression of the
average rate of inbreeding over generations. The results indicate that the mate allocation strategy has contained
the rate of inbreedingwithin acceptable values to date, but that current effective population sizemust be increased
in order to be adequate for the viability of the breeding programin themediumto long term. However, the effective
population size of these populations is far below 500, the minimum number suggested for retaining the evolutionary
potential to adapt to new environmental conditions. Further strategies to constrain maximum
inbreeding levels across all the individuals belonging to the nucleus and to maintain a satisfactory effective population
size for ensuring the sustainability of this breeding scheme are proposed.
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
This study was partially funded by the Programa de Atracción e
Inserción de Capital Humano Avanzado al Sector Productivo Chileno
from CONICYT, Government of Chile.
DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2013.05.028
Quote Item
Aquaculture 420–421 (2014) S15–S19