Contrasting AAC and ABC renewal: the role of context associations

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Laborda Rojas, Mario
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Contrasting AAC and ABC renewal: the role of context associations
Rats were used in a lick suppression preparation
to assess the contribution of conditioned-stimulus (CS)–
context and context–unconditioned-stimulus (US) associations
to experimental extinction. Experiment 1 investigated
whether strengthening the CS–acquisition context association
enhances extinction by determining whether stronger
extinction is observed when CS-alone trials (i.e., extinction
treatment) are administered in the acquisition context (AAC
renewal), relative to a context that is neutral with respect to
the US (ABC renewal). Less recovery of responding to
the CS was observed in the former than in the latter case,
extending the finding that AAC renewal is weaker than
ABC renewal to our lick suppression preparation. Experiment
2 assessed the contribution of the acquisition context–US
association to extinction of a CS by examining the effect of
postextinction exposure to the acquisition context on
responding to the extinguished CS. This manipulation
enhanced responding to the extinguished CS in AAC, but
not ABC, renewal. Experiment 3 addressed the contribution
of the CS–acquisition context association by examining the
potential of a neutral stimulus, presented in compound with
the target CS during extinction treatment, to overshadow
the CS–acquisition context association. This manipulation
enhanced responding to the extinguished CS inAAC, but not ABC, renewal. The results stress the important role of
contextual association in extinction and renewal.
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
National Institute of Mental Health Grant 33881
Quote Item
Learn Behav (2011) 39:46–56