La información como espectáculo en el nacimiento de la televisión privada española (1990-1994)

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Mateos Pérez, Javier
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La información como espectáculo en el nacimiento de la televisión privada española (1990-1994)
This investigation is centered on the analysis of national television news programs during the birth of
Spanish private television and in the first years of competence. This is a stage of great interest, as it
triggers a change of cycle in Spanish audio-visual model that sets the bases of the television current
panorama. For its study, unpublished material is provided. It helps to recognize news broadcasting, its
typology, its changes when adapting to competence, each channel news offer and the main informative
coverage of every TV station during this take off period (1989-1994). In this new audio-visual scene, TV
information is transcendent as it means the essential element of the programming.
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Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico 2009, 15 315-334