The stellar disks of many spiral galaxies are twice as large as generally thought. We use archival data from the
Galaxy Evolution Explorer mission to quantify the statistical properties of young stellar clusters in the outer,
extended disks of a sample of 11 nearby galaxies. We find an excess of sources between 1.25 and 2 optical radii, R25,
for five of the galaxies, which statistically implies that at least a quarter of such galaxies have this cluster population
(90% confidence level), and no significant statistical excess in the sample as a whole beyond 2R25, even though
one galaxy (M83) individually shows such an excess. Although the excess is typically most pronounced for blue
(FUV - NUV < 1, NUV < 25) sources, there is also an excess of sources with redder colors. Although from galaxy
to galaxy the number of sources varies significantly, on average the galaxies with such sources have 75 - 10 blue
sources at radii between 1.25R25 and 2R25. In addition, the radial distribution is consistent with the extended dust
emission observed in the far-IR and with the properties of H#1; sources, assuming a constant cluster formation rate over
the last few hundred megayears. All of these results suggest that the phenomenon of low-level star formation well
outside the apparent optical edges of disks (R #3; R25) is common and long lasting.
Key words: galaxies: evolution — galaxies: fundamental parameters — galaxies: spiral — galaxies: structure
this research was supported in part by
the National Science Foundation under grant PHY99-07949 during
his visit to KITP, a Guggenheim fellowship, generous support
from theNYUPhysics department and Center for Cosmology and
Particle Physics during his sabbatical there, NASA LTSA grant
04-0000-0041, NSF AST 03-07482,
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ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, v.: 134, issue: 1, p.: 135-141, JUL, 2007