Detecting a moving obstacle in an ideal fluid by a boundary measurement

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Conca Rosende, Carlos
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Detecting a moving obstacle in an ideal fluid by a boundary measurement
In this Note we investigate the problem of the detection of a moving obstacle in a perfect fluid occupying a bounded domain in R-2 from the measurement of the velocity of the fluid on one part of the boundary. We show that when the obstacle is a ball, we may identify the position and the velocity of its center of mass from a single boundary measurement. Linear stability estimates are also established by using shape differentiation techniques.
This work was achieved while the last author (LR) was visiting the Centro de Modelamiento Matemático at the
Universidad de Chile (UMI CNRS 2807). He thanks this institution for its hospitality, and the CNRS for its support.
The first author thanks the Millennium ICDB for partial support through grant ICM P05-001-F. The second author
was partially supported by CONICYT-FONDECYT grant 3070040. The authors also thank the Chilean and French
Governments through Ecos-Conicyt Grant C07 E05.
DOI: 10.1016/j.crma.2008.06.007
ISSN: 1631-073X
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COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE Volume: 346 Issue: 15-16 Pages: 839-844 Published: AUG 2008