Spiral structure in the outer galactic disk. I. The third galactic quadrant

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Vázquez, Rúben A.
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Spiral structure in the outer galactic disk. I. The third galactic quadrant
We combine optical and radio observations to trace the spiral structure in the
Third Quadrant of the Milky Way. The optical observations consist of a large
sample of young open clusters and associations, whereas the radio observations
consist of a survey of nearby and distant clouds observed in CO. Both the optical
and radio samples are the largest ones insofar present in the literature. We use
this unique material to analyze the behavior of interstellar extinction and to trace
the detailed structure of the Third Galactic Quadrant (TGQ).We find that the
Outer (Cygnus) grand design spiral arm is traced by stellar and CO components
while the Perseus arm is traced solely by CO and is possibly being disrupted
by the crossing of the Local (Orion) arm. The Local arm is traced by CO and
young stars toward l = 240o and extends for over 8 kpc along the line of sight
reaching the Outer arm. Finally, we characterize the Galactic warp and compare
the geometries implied by the young stellar and CO components.
RAV and GLB wish to thank the financial support from the IALP (UNLP-CONICET,
Argentina) and the PIP No. 5970 from CONICET. JM and LB acknowledge support from the
Chilean Center for Astrophysics FONDAP No. 15010003. The work of GC was supported by
a contract from the Departamento de Astronom´ıa, Universidad de Chile. AM acknowledges
support from FCT (Portugal) through grant POCI/CTE-AST/57128/2004.
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ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL Volume: 672 Issue: 2 Pages: 930-939 Published: JAN 10 2008