An integrated behavioral model of the land-use and transport systems with network congestion and location externalities
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Bravo, Mario
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An integrated behavioral model of the land-use and transport systems with network congestion and location externalities
The agents’ decisions, from their residential location to their members’ trip choices through
the network, are jointly analyzed as an integrated long term equilibrium in which the location,
travel decisions, and route choices are represented by logit or entropy models. In this
approach, consumers optimize their combined residence and transport options represented
as paths in an extended network built by connecting the transport sub-network
to a fictitious sub-network that represents land-use and transport demand options. We
model a static land-use and transport equilibrium by considering road congestion and
location externalities. The latter include trip destination choices based on land-use attractions,
as well as endogenous neighborhood characteristics that determine residential
choices and segregation phenomena. The model can deal with heterogeneous populations
and locations as well as multiple trip purposes, though it assumes only private transport
modes. In a previous paper we studied the case with road congestion externalities only,
characterizing equilibria by a strictly convex and coercive unconstrained minimization
problem. This characterization fails for more general externalities, so we restate the model
as a fixed-point problem, establishing the existence of equilibria, providing sufficient
conditions for its uniqueness and for the convergence of a fixed-point iteration. A small
numerical example is used to illustrate the model.
Support from Fondecyt 1060788, the Millennium Institute in Complex Engineering
Systems and FONDAP Matemáticas Aplicadas and the Proyecto Bicentenario de Ciencia y Tecnología – Redes Urbanas R-
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Transportation Research Part B 44 (2010) 584–596