A long-period planet orbiting a nearby Sun-like star
The Doppler wobble induced by the extra-solar planet HD 134987b was first detected by data
from the Keck Telescope nearly a decade ago, and was subsequently confirmed by data from
the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT). However, as more data have been acquired for this
star over the years since, the quality of a single Keplerian fit to that data has been getting
steadily worse. The best-fitting single Keplerian to the 138 Keck and AAT observations now
in hand has an root-mean-square (rms) scatter of 6.6ms−1. This is significantly in excess
of both the instrumental precision achieved by both the Keck and Anglo-Australian Planet
Searches for stars of this magnitude, and of the jitter expected for a star with the properties of
HD134987. However, a double Keplerian (i.e. dual planet) fit delivers a significantly reduced
rms of 3.3ms−1. The best-fitting double planet solution has minimum planet masses of 1.59
and 0.82 1.59 ± 0.02MJup, orbital periods of 258 and 5000 d, and eccentricities of 0.23 and
0.12, respectively. We find evidence that activity-induced jitter is a significant factor in our
fits and do not find evidence for asteroseismological p modes. We also present seven years
of photometry at a typical precision of 0.003 mag with the T8 0.8 m automatic photometric
telescope at Fairborn observatory. These observations do not detect photometric variability
and support the inference that the detected radial-velocity periods are due to planetary mass
companions rather than due to photospheric spots and plages.
URI: https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/125361
DOI: doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.16232.x
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Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 403, 1703–1713 (2010)