Analytical studies of fronts, colonies, and patterns: Combination of the Allee effect and nonlocal competition interactions

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Clerc Gavilán, Marcel
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Analytical studies of fronts, colonies, and patterns: Combination of the Allee effect and nonlocal competition interactions
We present an analytic study of traveling fronts, localized colonies, and extended patterns arising from a
reaction-diffusion equation which incorporates simultaneously two features: the well-known Allee effect and
spatially nonlocal competition interactions. The former is an essential ingredient of most systems in population
dynamics and involves extinction at low densities, growth at higher densities, and saturation at still higher
densities. The latter feature is also highly relevant, particularly to biological systems, and goes beyond the
unrealistic assumption of zero-range interactions. We show via exact analytic methods that the combination of
the two features yields a rich diversity of phenomena and permits an understanding of a variety of issues
including spontaneous appearance of colonies.
M.G.C. and D.E. acknowledge the support of FONDECYT
Projects No. 1090045 and No. 11090280, respectively.
V.M.K. acknowledges NSF support under Grant No.
INT-0336343, DARPA support under Grant No. N00014-03-
1-0900, and NIH/NSF support under Grant No. EF-0326757.
DOI: DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.82.036210
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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 82, 036210 (2010)