Colossal anisotropy in diluted magnetic topological insulators

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Núñez Vásquez, Álvaro
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Colossal anisotropy in diluted magnetic topological insulators
We consider dilute magnetic doping in the surface of a three dimensional topological insulator
where a two dimensional Dirac electron gas resides. We find that exchange coupling between magnetic
atoms and the Dirac electrons has a strong and peculiar effect on both. First, the exchangeinduced
single ion magnetic anisotropy is very large and favors off-plane orientation. In the case of
ferromagnetically ordered phase we find a colossal magnetic anisotropy energy, of the order of the
critical temperature. Second, a persistent electronic current circulates around the magnetic atom
and, in the case of a ferromagnetic phase, around the edges of the surface.
This work has been financially supported by MECSpain
(Grant Nos. MAT07-67845 and CONSOLIDER
CSD2007-0010), by Proyecto de Iniciación en Investigación Fondecyt 11070008 and by Núcleo Científico Milenio
“Magnetismo Básico y/o Aplicado” P06022-F. ASN
acknowledges funding from Universidad de Alicante.