Titanium monoxide ultra-thin coatings evaporated onto polycrystalline copper films
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Zárate Aliaga, Ramón
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Titanium monoxide ultra-thin coatings evaporated onto polycrystalline copper films
We evaporated polycrystalline copper thin films of thickness between 10 and 100nm on silicon substrates with their
native oxide under ultra-high-vacuum conditions. Some of them were exposed to air for a period ranging from 1 dayto 2
weeks. X-rayph otoelectron spectroscopy(X PS) revealed a clean copper surface with a trace of oxygen. These films that
were exposed to air presented oxides in the state Cu(II), the amount of CuO depended on the time that the film was
exposed to air. Subsequently, we deposited TiO ultra-thin films on polycrystalline copper substrates. Both these thin films
were formed bye lectron beam evaporation. XPS spectra showed that the surface of the titanium monoxide (TiO) films
was contamination-free. An evaporation of 0.3nm of TiO reduced the native oxide of the copper substrates from Cu(II) to
Cu(I) or Cu(0) and transformed the TiO into TiO2 at the interface. Low-energyio n spectroscopy showed that the
complete coverage of the substrates depends on the thickness of the copper films. For 10nm copper thin films the
complete coverage occurred at 1.5nm of TiO, and for 100 nm it occurred at 2.0nm of TiO. In samples exposed to air, the
complete coverage occurred at a film thickness slightlyh igher than those treated under ultra-high-vacuum conditions.
This work was partiallysup ported bythe
Chilean Government under grants FONDECYT
No. 3990042, No. 1960739 and No. 11980002.
Also, this work was partiallysupporte d by
Direcci !on General de Investigaci !on yPos tgrads
(DGIP) of the Universidad Cat! olica del Norte.
URI: https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/125850
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2004.05.005
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Vacuum 76 (2004) 13–17