A possible formation scenario for dwarf spheroidal galaxies – II. A parameter study

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Assmann, P.
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A possible formation scenario for dwarf spheroidal galaxies – II. A parameter study
Dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies are considered the basic building blocks of the galaxy
formation process in the Lambda cold dark matter hierarchical cosmological model. These
galaxies are believed to be the most dark matter (DM) dominated systems known, have the
lowest stellar content and are poor in gas. Many theories attempt to explain the formation of
dSph galaxies resorting to the fact that these galaxies are mainly found orbiting large galaxies
or invoking other mechanisms of interactions. Here, we show the full set of simulation as an
extension of our fiducial model, where we study the formation of classical dSph galaxies in
isolation by dissolving star clusters within the DM halo of the dwarf galaxy. In our parameter
survey, we adopt cored and cusped DM halo profiles and consider different numbers of
dissolving star clusters.We investigate the dependence of observable quantities with different
masses and scalelengths of the DM halo and different star formation efficiencies.We find that
our proposed scenario explains many features of the classical dSph galaxies of theMilkyWay,
like their morphology and their dynamics. We see trends how the surface brightness and the
scalelength of the luminous component vary with the parameters of our simulations. We also
identify how irregularities in their shape, i.e. clumpiness and ellipticity vary in our simulations.
In velocity space, we identify the parameters leading to flat velocity dispersions curves.
We recognize kinematically cold substructures in velocity space, named fossil remnants and
stemming from our unique initial conditions, which alter the expected results. These streaming
motions are considered as a key feature for future observation with high resolution to validate
our scenario.
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Artículo de publicación ISI
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MNRAS 435, 2391–2406 (2013)