Clustering of K-selected galaxies at 2 < z < 3.5: Evidence for a color-density relation

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Quadri, Ryan
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Clustering of K-selected galaxies at 2 < z < 3.5: Evidence for a color-density relation
We study the clustering properties of K-selected galaxies at 2 < z < 3:5 using deep multiwavelength imaging in
three fields from the MUSYC survey. These are the first measurements to probe the spatial correlation function of
K-selected galaxies in this redshift range on large scales, allowing for robust conclusions about the dark matter halos
that host these galaxies. The K-selected galaxies with K < 21 have a correlation length r0 6 h 1 Mpc, larger than
typical values found for optically selected galaxies. The correlation length does not depend on K-band magnitude
in our sample but does increase strongly with color; the J K > 2:3 distant red galaxies (DRGs) have r0
11 h 1 Mpc. Furthermore, contrary to findings for optically selected galaxies, K-selected galaxies that are faint in the
R band cluster more strongly than brighter galaxies. These results suggest that a color-density relation was in place at
z > 2; it will be interesting to see whether this relation is driven by galaxies with old stellar populations or by dusty
star-forming galaxies. Irrespective of the cause, our results indicate that K-bright blue galaxies and K-bright red galaxies
are fundamentally different, having different clustering properties. Using a simple model of one galaxy per halo,
we infer halo masses 5 ; 1012 M for K < 21 galaxies and 2 ; 1013 M for DRGs.Acomparison of the observed
space density of DRGs to that of their host halos suggests large halo occupation numbers; however, this result
conflictswith the lack of a strong small-scale excess in the angular correlation function. Using the predicted evolution
of halo mass to investigate relationships between galaxy populations at different redshifts, we find that the z ¼ 0
descendants of the galaxies considered here reside primarily in groups and clusters.
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ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL Volume: 654 Issue: 1 Pages: 138-152 Part: 1 Published: JAN 1 2007