Supergene enrichment of copper deposits since the onset of modern hyperaridity in the Atacama Desert, Chile

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Reich Morales, Martín
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Supergene enrichment of copper deposits since the onset of modern hyperaridity in the Atacama Desert, Chile
Supergene enrichment of Cu deposits in the
Atacama Desert has played a critical role in making this
the prime Cu-producing province of the world. Previously,
this has been believed to have occurred exclusively over a
long period from the middle Eocene to the late Miocene,
which ended when climatic conditions changed from arid to
hyperarid. Here, we report U-series disequilibrium ages in
atacamite-bearing supergene assemblages that provide a
new conceptualization on both the supergene enrichment
process and the onset of extreme hyperaridity in the
Atacama Desert. 230Th–234U ages of gypsum intergrown
with atacamite in supergene veins from Cu deposits cluster
at ~240 ka (Chuquicamata), 130 ka (Mantos Blancos,
Spence), and 80 ka (Mantos de la Luna, Michilla). When
coupled with previous data, these results indicate that
supergene enrichment of Cu deposits did not cease after
the onset of hyperaridity. We propose that supergene
enrichment in the Atacama region developed in two main
stages. The main phase, caused by downward circulation of
meteoric waters in a semi-arid setting, was active from 45
until ~9 Ma, with a last pulse ca. 5 Ma in the southern
Atacama Desert. During this phase, atacamite-bearing
supergene assemblages were not preserved because atacamite
requires saline water for its formation and rapidly
dissolves when contacted by meteoric water. This was
followed by a second stage starting at ~2–1.5 Ma and
continuing until at least the late Pleistocene, when deep
formation waters derived from the basement passed up
through and modified the pre-existing supergene Cu oxide
minerals. Atacamite has then been preserved in the
prevailing hyperarid climate.
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
FONDECYT grant no. 1070736.
DOI: DOI: 10.1007/s00126-009-0229-3
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MINERALIUM DEPOSITA Volume: 44 Issue: 5 Pages: 497-504 Published: JUL 2009