Systems with H2O maser and 1.3 centimeter continuum emission in Cepheus A

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Torrelles, José M.
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Systems with H2O maser and 1.3 centimeter continuum emission in Cepheus A
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We report continuum (1.3 cm) and H maser line observations, made with the Very Large Array (A 2O
conÐguration), toward the cluster of radio continuum sources in the star-forming region Cepheus A East.
The 1.3 cm continuum emission is detected toward HW2, HW3b, HW3c, HW3d, and HW9. In addition,
a new continuum source (Cep A:VLA 1), undetected previously, is observed at this wavelength. We
detected three spatial clusters of H masers that are associated with the 1.3 cm continuum sources 2O
HW2, HW3b, and HW3dii (the brightest component of HW3d), indicating that these objects may harbor
an energy source as suggested by Garay and coworkers. The spatial distribution of the H masers with 2O
respect to the continuum emission is di†erent in each one of these objects. Toward source HW2 the
H masers are spread over D1A and aligned in a direction almost perpendicular to the associated 2O
radio jet. In HW3b the H masers are spread over a more compact region and aligned along 2O (D0A.5)
the major axis of the elongated radio continuum emission. The masers associated with the compact
object HW3dii are distributed over a compact region (D0A.5) but do not show any clear spatial trend. By
comparing the H (this paper) and OH maser distributions in the region, we propose that object HW2, 2O
with the strongest H maser activity, could represent the ““ oldest ÏÏ young stellar object of the 2OÈOH
region, while HW3b, with no reported OH maser activity, could be the ““ youngest ÏÏ source of these three
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THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 509:262È269, 1998 December 10