76 T dwarfs from the UKIDSS LAS: benchmarks, kinematics and an updated space density

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Burningham, Ben
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76 T dwarfs from the UKIDSS LAS: benchmarks, kinematics and an updated space density
- Burningham, Ben;
- Cardoso, C. V.;
- Smith, L.;
- Leggett, S. K.;
- Smart, R. L.;
- Mann, A. W.;
- Dhital, S.;
- Lucas, P. W.;
- Tinney, C. G.;
- Pinfield, D. J.;
- Zhang, Z.;
- Morley, C.;
- Saumon, D.;
- Aller, K.;
- Littlefair, S. P.;
- Homeier, D.;
- Lodieu, N.;
- Deacon, N.;
- Marley, M. S.;
- Spaandonk, L. van;
- Baker, D.;
- Allard, F.;
- Andrei, A. H.;
- Canty, J.;
- Clarke, J.;
- Day-Jones, A. C.;
- Dupuy, T.;
- Fortney, J. J.;
- Gomes, J.;
- Ishii, M.;
- Jones, H. R. A.;
- Liu, M.;
- Magazzú, A.;
- Marocco, F.;
- Murray, D. N.;
- Rojas-Ayala, B.;
- Tamura, M.;
We report the discovery of 76 new T dwarfs from the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) Large Area Survey (LAS). Near-infrared broad- and narrow-band photometry and spectroscopy are presented for the new objects, along with Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and warm-Spitzer photometry. Proper motions for 128 UKIDSS T dwarfs are presented from a new two epoch LAS proper motion catalogue. We use these motions to identify two new benchmark systems: LHS 6176AB, a T8p+M4 pair and HD 118865AB, a T5.5+F8 pair. Using age constraints from the primaries and evolutionary models to constrain the radii, we have estimated their physical properties from their bolometric luminosity. We compare the colours and properties of known benchmark T dwarfs to the latest model atmospheres and draw two principal conclusions. First, it appears that the H - [4.5] and J - W2 colours are more sensitive to metallicity than has previously been recognized, such that differences in metallicity may dominate over differences in T-eff when considering relative properties of cool objects using these colours. Secondly, the previously noted apparent dominance of young objects in the late-T dwarf sample is no longer apparent when using the new model grids and the expanded sample of late-T dwarfs and benchmarks. This is supported by the apparently similar distribution of late-T dwarfs and earlier type T dwarfs on reduced proper motion diagrams that we present. Finally, we present updated space densities for the late-T dwarfs, and compare our values to simulation predictions and those from WISE.
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Artículo de publicación ISI.
Marie Curie 7th European Community Framework
Programme grant no. 247593 Interpretation and Parametrization
of Extremely Red COOL dwarfs (IPERCOOL) International
Research Staff Exchange Scheme. ADJ is supported by a Fondecyt
postdoctorado fellowship, under project number 3100098, and
is also partially supported by the proyecto Basal PB06 (CATA)
and the Joint Committee ESO-Government Chile. AHA thanks
CNPq grant PQ306775/2009-3 and SHAO/CAS Visiting Professorship
grant. CGT is supported by ARC grant DP0774000. SKL’s
research is supported by the Gemini Observatory. JG is supported
by RoPACS, a Marie Curie Initial Training Network funded by the
European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. NL acknowledges
funding from the SpanishMinistry of Science and Innovation
through the Ram´on y Cajal fellowship number 08-303-01-02
and the project number AYA2010-19136.
Quote Item
MNRAS 433, 457–497 (2013)