AspectMaps: extending moose to visualize AOP software
When using aspect-oriented programming the application implicitly invokes the
functionality contained in the aspects. Consequently program comprehension of such
a software is more intricate. To alleviate this difficulty we developed the AspectMaps
visualization and tool. AspectMaps extends the Moose program comprehension and
reverse engineering platform with support for aspects, and is implemented using facilities
provided by Moose. In this paper we present the AspectMaps tool, and show how it can
be used by performing an exploration of a fairly large aspect-oriented application. We
then show how we extended the FAMIX meta-model family that underpins Moose to also
provide support for aspects. This extension is called ASPIX, and thanks to this enhancement
Moose can now also treat aspect-oriented software. Finally, we report on our experiences
using some of the tools in Moose; Mondrian to implement the visualization, and Glamour to
build the user interface. We discuss how we were able to implement a sizable visualization
tool using them and how we were able to deal with some of their limitations.
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
This research is partially supported by the IAP
Programme of the Belgian State and the INRIA Equipe Associée PLOMO. Johan Fabry author is partially funded by FONDECYT
project 1090083.
DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.scico.2012.02.007
Quote Item
Science of Computer Programming 79 (2014) 6–22