Pricing with markups in industries with increasing marginal costs

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Correa Haeussler, José
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Pricing with markups in industries with increasing marginal costs
We study a game that models a market in which heterogeneous producers
of perfect substitutes make pricing decisions in a first stage, followed by consumers
that select a producer that sells at lowest price. As opposed to Cournot or Bertrand
competition, producers select prices using a supply function that maps prices to production
levels. Solutions of this type of models are normally referred to as supply
function equilibria. We consider a market where producers’ convex costs functions
are proportional to each other, depending on the efficiency of each particular producer.
We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an equilibrium that
uses simple supply functions that replicate the cost structure. We then specialize the
model to monomial cost functions with exponent q > 0, which allows us to reinterpret
the simple supply functions as a markup applied to the production cost.We prove that
an equilibrium for the markups exists if and only if the number of producers in the
market is strictly larger than 1+q, and if an equilibrium exists, it is unique. The main result for monomials is that the equilibrium nearly minimizes the total production cost
when themarket is competitive. The result holds becausewhen there is enough competition,
markups are bounded, thus preventing prices to be significantly distorted from
costs. Focusing on the case of linear unit-cost functions on the production quantities,
we characterize the equilibrium accurately and refine the previous result to establish
an almost tight bound on the worst-case inefficiency of equilibria. Finally, we derive
explicitly the producers’ best response for series-parallel networks with linear unitcost
functions, extending our previous result to more general topologies. We prove
that a unique equilibrium exists if and only if the network that captures the market
structure is 3-edge-connected. For non-series-parallelmarkets,we provide an example
that does not admit an equilibrium on markups.
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
This research was partially funded by the Millenium Nucleus Information and Coordination
in Networks ICM/FIC P10-024F, the Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería at Universidad de
Chile, by Fondecyt Chile grant 1130671, by the Center for International Business Education and Research
at Columbia University, and by Conicet Argentina grant Resolución 4541/12.
Quote Item
Math. Program., Ser. A (2014) 146:143–184