Seismic structure of the north-central Chilean convergent margin: Subduction erosion of a paleomagmatic arc

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Contreras Reyes, Eduardo
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Seismic structure of the north-central Chilean convergent margin: Subduction erosion of a paleomagmatic arc
We study the erosive convergentmargin of north-central Chile (at ~31°S) by using high-resolution
bathymetric, wide-angle refraction, and multichannel seismic reflection data to derive a detailed
tomographic 2-D velocity-depth model. In the overriding plate, our velocity model shows that the lowermost
crustal velocities beneath the upper continental slope are 6.0–6.5 km/s, which are interpreted as the continental
basement composed by characteristic metamorphic and igneous rocks of the Coastal Cordillera. Beneath the
lower and middle continental slope, however, the presence of a zone of reduced velocities (3.5–5.0 km/s) is
interpreted as the outermost fore arc composed of volcanic rocks hydrofractured as a result of frontal and
basal erosion. At the landward edge of the outermost fore arc, the bathymetric and seismic data provide
evidence for the presence of a prominent trenchward dipping normal scarp (~1 km offset), which overlies
a strong lateral velocity contrast from ~5.0 to ~6.0 km/s. This pronounced velocity contrast propagates
deep into the continental crust, and it resembles a major normal listric fault. We interpret this seismic
discontinuity as the volcanic-continental basement contact of the submerged Coastal Cordillera characterized
by a gravitational collapse of the outermost fore arc. Subduction erosion has, most likely, caused large-scale
crustal thinning and long-term subsidence of the outermost fore arc.
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This work was supported by the Chilean
National Science Foundation
(FONDECYT) project 1130004. Juan
Becerra gratefully acknowledges a
scholarship granted by the Chilean
National Science Cooperation
(CONICYT). Helpful comments provided
by Daniel Carrizo are greatly appreciated.
Quote Item
Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 1523–1529,2014