Structural results on circular-arc graphs and circle graphs: A survey and the main open problems

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Durán Maggiolo, Guillermo
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Structural results on circular-arc graphs and circle graphs: A survey and the main open problems
Circular-arc graphs are the intersection graphs of open arcs on a circle. Circle graphs are
the intersection graphs of chords on a circle. These graph classes have been the subject
of much study for many years and numerous interesting results have been reported.
Many subclasses of both circular-arc graphs and circle graphs have been defined and
different characterizations formulated. In this survey, we summarize the most important
structural results related to circular-arc graphs and circle graphs and present the main open
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
The first author was partially supported by FONDECyT Grant 1110797 and Millennium Science Institute ‘‘Complex
Engineering Systems’’ (Chile). All the authors were partially supported by ANPCyT PICT-2007-00518, UBACyT Grant
20020090300094 and CONICET PIP 112-200901-00160 (Argentina).
Quote Item
Discrete Applied Mathematics 164 (2014) 427–443