Influence of depositional load on the development of a shortcut fault system during the inversion of an extensional basin: The Eocene-Oligocene Abanico Basin case, central Chile Andes (33°-35°S)

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Muñoz Sáez, Carolina
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Influence of depositional load on the development of a shortcut fault system during the inversion of an extensional basin: The Eocene-Oligocene Abanico Basin case, central Chile Andes (33°-35°S)
The current paper analyzes the evolution of the Abanico Basin, in the Chilean Principal Cordillera in
central Chile (33º-35ºS). According to previous studies, the basin has been affected by two main deformational episodes:
the first, related to extension, and the second, to partial basin inversion. Deposits of the Abanico Formation, Eocene-
Oligocene, and the Farellones Formation, Early-Middle Miocene, represent these two deformational episodes, respectively.
Studies of the basin deposits and the structural features show that the basin was asymmetric and that it developed
two main depocenters. The eastern depocenter is deeper and was controlled by a west-dipping fault system (El Diablo
Fault System) that formed its eastern border. We propose that the geometry of the basin and the magnitude of inversion
were strongly influenced by the load generated by the thick volcanic and volcaniclastic pile that accumulated in the
eastern depocenter. Through analogue modeling, we interpret that the Aconcagua fold-thrust belt was triggered at ~16
Ma by a shortcut thrust rooted in the El Diablo Fault System, which during inversion was blocked because of the high
load exerted by the deposits of the Abanico and Farellones formations. In addition, the stratified Mesozoic succession
that formed the eastern border of the basin allowed the propagation of the shortcut thrust along the ductile Oxfordian
gypsum layer. This would have determined the east vergence of the fold-thrust belt. On the western side of the basin,
the absence of weak layers prevented development of a west-vergent fold-thrust belt.
General note
Artículo de publicación SciELO
Departamento de
Investigación y Desarrollo (DI), Universidad de Chile
(Project 2004 DI, I2 04/02-2) to L. Pinto. Financial
support for travel and a stay in France at the Analogue
Modeling Laboratory at the Université de Rennes 1 to
conduct analogue experiments was given by the Bourse
Amérique Latine at the Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse
III, France), French Institute of Research Collaboration
(IRD) and the ECOS-Chile Project C05U04 to T. Nalpas
(Géosciences Rennes) and V. Maksaev (Universidad de
Chile). This research was also supported by the Fondecyt
Project Nº 1030965 and the Proyecto Anillo ACT
Muñoz et al. / Andean Geology 41 (1): 1-28, 2014 23
Nº 18 (Programa Bicentenario de Ciencia y Tecnología-
CONICYT), both awarded to R. Charrier, and the Fondecyt
Project Nº 1090165 awarded to L. Pinto and the IGCP
586Y Project awarded to L. Pinto and L. Giambiagi
(CONICET, Argentina). Discussions with J. Martinod
(LMTG, Université Paul Sabatier, France), M. Pardo
(Universidad de Chile) and L. Rojas (Sipetrol-ENAP,
Chile) contributed significantly to the improvement of the
manuscript. Careful reviews by P. Jara (Universidad de
Chile), A. Fock (Xterrae Geología, Chile), L. Giambiagi
(CONICET, CRICYT, Argentina), T. Jordan (Cornell
University, USA) and P. Golub (University of California,
Berkeley) helped to greatly improve the manuscript. S.
Mullin post-edited the English style.
Quote Item
Andean Geology 41 (1): 1-28. January, 2014