Thermally assisted current-driven skyrmion motion

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Troncoso Coña, Roberto Enrique
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Thermally assisted current-driven skyrmion motion
We study the behavior of skyrmions in thin films under the action of stochastic torques arising from thermal
fluctuations. We find that the Brownian motion of skyrmions is described by a stochastic Thiele’s equation and
its corresponding Fokker-Planck equation. The resulting Fokker-Planck equation is recognized as the one for a
high-friction Brownian particle which has been studied extensively in different physical contexts. It is shown
that thermal fluctuations favor the skyrmion motion allowing a finite mobility even in presence of pinning traps.
We calculate explicitly the mobility tensor of skyrmions in linear response to an electric current finding that it
increases with temperature.
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Artículo de publicación ISI
The authors acknowledge funding from Proyecto Fondecyt
No. 11070008 and No. 1110271, Proyecto Basal FB0807-
CEDENNA, and Anillo de Ciencia y Tecnonolog´ıa ACT 1117,
and by N´ucleo Cient´ıfico Milenio P06022-F.
DOI: DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.224403
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Physical Review B 89, 224403 (2014)