Resistivity and Hall voltage in gold thin films deposited on mica atroom temperature

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Bahamondes Moya, Sebastián
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Resistivity and Hall voltage in gold thin films deposited on mica atroom temperature
We report the thickness dependence of the resistivity measured at 4 K of gold films grown onto mica atroom temperature (RT), for thickness ranging from 8 to 100 nm. This dependence was compared to theone obtained for a sample during its growth process at RT. Both behaviors are well represented by theMayadas–Shatzkes theory. Using this model, we found comparable contributions of electron surface andelectron grain boundary scattering to the resistivity at 4 K. Hall effect measurements were performedusing a variable transverse magnetic field up to 4.5 T. Hall tangent and Hall resistance exhibit a lineardependence on the magnetic field. For this magnetic field range, the Hall mobility is always larger thanthe drift mobility. This result is explained through the presence of the above-mentioned scattering mech-anisms acting on the galvanomagnetic coefficients. In addition, we report the temperature dependenceof the resistivity between 4 and 70 K.
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CONICYT/CENAVAgrant no. 791100037, DGIP-USM grant no. 111353, FONDECYTgrant no. 11100277, and PIA Anillo ACT 1117.
DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.01.166
ISSN: 0169-4332
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Applied Surface Science 332 (2015) 694–698
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