The woven city: exploring the experience of time-space in residential habitats from a visual ethnographic approach.

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Iturra Muñoz, Luis
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The woven city: exploring the experience of time-space in residential habitats from a visual ethnographic approach.
The study of residential habitats in the cities mainly uses a spatial approach. However, in its
conception, the idea of the passage of time has been left behind, focusing basically on physicalspatial
issues. This has defined and encapsulated human existence into spatial containers. However,
looking at residential habitat from an inhabitant’s experience, it is possible to unveil how its
production emerges as a continuous process of place making, in time and space, understanding
both as an inseparable unit called “timespace”.
This paper works with the trajectory and information gathering of the author’s personal experience
of timespace. The methodology encompasses autoethnography, using photographs as a means of
memory extension that would allow capturing the becoming of the experience, and thus constructing
a visual story that would be able to reveal it.
Quote Item
Man In India, 95 (1) : 73-81
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