A trajectorial interpretation of the dissipations of entropy and Fisher information for stochastic differential equations

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Fontbona Torres, Joaquín
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A trajectorial interpretation of the dissipations of entropy and Fisher information for stochastic differential equations
The dissipation of general convex entropies for continuous time Markov processes can be
described in terms of backward martingales with respect to the tail filtration. The relative
entropy is the expected value of a backward submartingale. In the case of (non necessarily
reversible) Markov diffusion processes, we use Girsanov theory to explicit the Doob-Meyer
decomposition of this submartingale. We deduce a stochastic analogue of the well known
entropy dissipation formula, which is valid for general convex entropies, including the total
variation distance. Under additional regularity assumptions, and using Itˆo’s calculus and
ideas of Arnold, Carlen and Ju [2], we obtain moreover a new Bakry Emery criterion which
ensures exponential convergence of the entropy to 0. This criterion is non-intrisic since it
depends on the square root of the diffusion matrix, and cannot be written only in terms of
the diffusion matrix itself. We provide examples where the classic Bakry Emery criterion
fails, but our non-intrisic criterion applies without modifying the law of the diffusion process.
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Artículo de publicación ISI
URI: https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/139070
DOI: DOI: 10.1214/14-AOP969
ISSN: 0091-1798
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Annals of Probability Volumen: 44 Número: 1 Páginas: 131-170 (2016)
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