The 31 deg2 release of the stripe 82 x-ray survey: the point source catalog

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La Massa, Stephanie M.
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The 31 deg2 release of the stripe 82 x-ray survey: the point source catalog
- La Massa, Stephanie M.;
- Urry, C. Megan;
- Cappelluti, Nico;
- Böhringer, Hans;
- Comastri, Andrea;
- Glikman, Eilat;
- Richards, Gordon;
- Ananna, Tonima;
- Brusa, Marcella;
- Cardamone, Carie;
- Chon, Gayoung;
- Civano, Francesca;
- Farrah, Duncan;
- Gilfanov, Marat;
- Green, Paul;
- Komossa, S.;
- Lira Teillery, Paulina;
- Makler, Martin;
- Marchesi, Stefano;
- Pecoraro, Robert;
- Ranalli, Piero;
- Salvato, Mara;
- Schawinski, Kevin;
- Stern, Daniel;
- Treister, Ezequiel;
- Viero, Marco;
We release the next installment of the Stripe 82 X-ray survey point-source catalog, which currently
covers 31.3 deg2 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Stripe 82 Legacy field. In total, 6181
unique X-ray sources are significantly detected with XMM-Newton (> 5 ) and Chandra (> 4.5 ).
This catalog release includes data from XMM-Newton cycle AO 13, which approximately doubled
the Stripe 82X survey area. The flux limits of the Stripe 82X survey are 8.7 × 10−16 erg s−1 cm−2,
4.7 × 10−15 erg s−1 cm−2, and 2.1 × 10−15 erg s−1 cm−2 in the soft (0.5-2 keV), hard (2-10 keV),
and full bands (0.5-10 keV), respectively, with approximate half-area survey flux limits of 5.4×10−15
erg s−1 cm−2, 2.9 × 10−14 erg s−1 cm−2, and 1.7 × 10−14 erg s−1 cm−2. We matched the X-ray
source lists to available multi-wavelength catalogs, including updated matches to the previous release
of the Stripe 82X survey; 88% of the sample is matched to a multi-wavelength counterpart. Due
to the wide area of Stripe 82X and rich ancillary multi-wavelength data, including coadded SDSS
photometry, mid-infrared WISE coverage, near-infrared coverage from UKIDSS and VHS, ultraviolet
coverage from GALEX, radio coverage from FIRST, and far-infrared coverage from Herschel, as well
as existing 30% optical spectroscopic completeness, we are beginning to uncover rare objects, such
as obscured high-luminosity AGN at high-redshift. The Stripe 82X point source catalog is a valuable
dataset for constraining how this population grows and evolves, as well as for studying how they
interact with the galaxies in which they live.
DOI: DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/817/2/172
ISSN: 0004-637X
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ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL Volumen: 817 Número: 2 Número de artículo: 172 (2015)
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