Interferometric Mapping of Magnetic fields: The Alma view of the Massive star-forming clump W43-MM1

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Cortes, Paulo
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Interferometric Mapping of Magnetic fields: The Alma view of the Massive star-forming clump W43-MM1
Here, we present the first results from ALMA observations of 1 mm polarized dust emission toward the W43-MM1 high-mass star-forming clump. We have detected a highly fragmented filament with source masses ranging from 14 M-circle dot to 312 M-circle dot, where the largest fragment, source A, is believed to be one of the most massive in our Galaxy. We found a smooth, ordered, and detailed polarization pattern throughout the filament, which we used to derived magnetic field morphologies and strengths for 12 out of the 15 fragments detected ranging from 0.2 to 9 mG. The dynamical equilibrium of each fragment was evaluated finding that all the fragments are in a super-critical state that is consistent with previously detected infalling motions toward W43-MM1. Moreover, there are indications suggesting that the field is being dragged by gravity as the whole filament is collapsing
MICINN AYA2014-57369-C3-P
MECD (Spain) PRX15/00435
NSF AST-1313083
Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) of Taiwan NSC 98-2112-M-007-007-MY3 NSC 101-2119-M-007-04 MoST 1022-119-M-007-004-MY3
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The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 825:L15 (6pp), 2016 July 1
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