Movimiento estudiantil en chile, aprendizaje situado y activismo digital. compromiso, cambio social y usos tecnológicos adolescentes

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Pena, Patricia
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Movimiento estudiantil en chile, aprendizaje situado y activismo digital. compromiso, cambio social y usos tecnológicos adolescentes
From the student movement emerged in Chile in 2011, the article reflects on the school as a learning space of audiovisual digital technologies and how this process can impact on the political communication dimension of a social movement. To do this, it is described and analyzed the case of a school where formal education in languages and digital technologies is overlapping with the use of applications and resources of the social web and so-called "social media "(youtube, blogs, social networks) by high school students who become student leaders. Data are generated through key informant interviews and a selection of videos created for the students and uploaded to the Internet. The content of the interviews is approached from the concept of situated learning (Lave & Wenger, 1991) and videos from the concept of video activism (Askanius, 2013; Mateos & Rajas, 2014). The results show that concrete use of digital tools obtained in formal educational spaces in a context of mobilization processes, generates new experiences of non-formal learning, which allow both students and teachers to reflect on their communicative practices and improve them. They also show an uncritical use of digital tools, which is a wake-up call on the need to incorporate privacy and self-care topics in internet within the contents to be developed by the school as space for digital learning.
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Obets-Revista de Ciencias Sociales. Volumen: 11 Número: 1 Páginas: 287-310
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