Pharmacokinetics, efficacy prediction indexes, and residue depletion of ribavirin in Atlantic salmon’s (Salmo salar) muscle after oral administration in feed
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San Martín Núñez, Betty
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Pharmacokinetics, efficacy prediction indexes, and residue depletion of ribavirin in Atlantic salmon’s (Salmo salar) muscle after oral administration in feed
Ribavirin is an antiviral used in human medicine, but it has not been authorized for use in veterinary medicine although it is effective against infectious salmon anemia (ISA) virus, between others. In this study, we present a pharmacokinetic profile of ribavirin in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), efficacy prediction indexes, and the measure of its withdrawal time. To determine the pharmacokinetic profile, fishes were orally administered with a single ribavirin dose of 1.6 mg/kg bw, and then, plasma concentrations were measured at different times. From the time-vs.-concentration curve, Cmax = 413.57 ng/mL, T-max = 6.96 h, AUC = 21394.01 mu g.h/mL, t(1/2) = 81.61 h, and K-10 = 0.0421/h were obtained. Ribavirin reached adequate concentrations during the pharmacokinetic study, with prediction indexes of C-max/IC50 = 20.7, AUC/IC50 = 1069.7, and T>IC50 = 71 h, where IC is the inhibitory concentration 50%. For ribavirin depletion study, fishes were orally administered with a dairy dose of 1.6 mg/kg bw during 10 days. Concentrations were measured on edible tissue on different days post-treatment. A linear regression of the time vs. concentration was conducted, obtaining a withdrawal time of 1966 degrees C days. Results obtained reveal that the dose of 1.6 mg/kg bw orally administered is effective for ISA virus, originating a reasonable withdrawal period within the productive schedules of Atlantic salmon
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Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Volumen 39, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 388-397
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