Di-nucleon structures in homogeneous nuclear matter based on two- and three-nucleon interactions

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Arellano Sepúlveda, Hugo
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Di-nucleon structures in homogeneous nuclear matter based on two- and three-nucleon interactions
We investigate homogeneous nuclear matter within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) approach in the limits of isospin-symmetric nuclear matter (SNM) as well as pure neutron matter at zero temperature. The study is based on realistic representations of the internucleon interaction as given by Argonne v(18), Paris, Nijmegen I and II potentials, in addition to chiral (NLO)-L-3 interactions, including three-nucleon forces up to (NLO)-L-2. Particular attention is paid to the presence of di-nucleon bound states structures in S-1(0) and (SD1)-S-3 channels, whose explicit account becomes crucial for the stability of self-consistent solutions at low densities. A characterization of these solutions and associated bound states is discussed. We confirm that coexisting BHF single-particle solutions in SNM, at Fermi momenta in the range 0.13-0.3 fm(-1), is a robust feature under the choice of realistic internucleon potentials.
CONICYT 221320081
STFC ST/I005528/1 ST/J005743/1 ST/L005816/1
"NewCompStar", COST Action MP1304
Artículo de publicación ISI
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Eur. Phys. J. A (2016) 52: 299
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